Title: A Crowd of Choices (2000) Characters: Ryan/Lyle(OC) Rating: R Disclaimer: Lyle belongs to fredbassett and she is just her usual awesome self for letting me play with them
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*is happily squeeshed* You see, to everyone else it's utterly obvious but as I pointed out the other day with your fic, they don't know how to talk, they'd probably rather chop off a vital limb that talk so... that eventually has to cause some angst ;)
That aside, they just look too damn good when they wrestle :D
And YAY Robert D. Finn is officially approved by Fred!
Love this to bits, from the idea of an over-protective dragon and his driver - both probably with a touch of PTSD - and Lyle proving he can be much more sensitive and aware than he appears.
I like the idea that Lyle is not completely blind, most of the time he knows exactly what is going on, he'd just rather not talk about it. (hmm that makes me think of a bunny :D )
Shhhh... don't tell them they're cute, they might stop it ;) Not many dragons this time around but they're all being pushy and want bigger slices in the story again. Help!
Oooooooh! *hugs* This was wonderful!! Which icon to use?! :D What I liked most i think is the way Ryan came to look after Lyle, and yet in the end, Lyle took care of him. Beautiful. It was great, the way Lyle was up late, trying to select his team, all stressed and no track of time. Ryan was brilliant, all useful and HOT, rrrr! *g* Yay for Kenstone and Kalti Matari and ROBERT D FINN woohoo!!! (Nice one, Lucas! Thanks ;) ) That was all great fun. And then, GUH, Ryan with harness bruises *g* This universe really has it's advangtages, LOL!! My God that was awesome. Lyle was great, all caring and mmmm, BED NOW!! :D Loved it.
Two sets of harness-roughened hands mapped well known bodies. \0/
As usual I tent to read your fb 45 times and cuddle it close because it makes me grin like an idiot :) I promise, the Robert D. is Fred's approved and at some point we might even find out about the D ;) LOL Lyle is always going "Bed Now", he's the energiser bunny!
Comments 17
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You see, to everyone else it's utterly obvious but as I pointed out the other day with your fic, they don't know how to talk, they'd probably rather chop off a vital limb that talk so... that eventually has to cause some angst ;)
That aside, they just look too damn good when they wrestle :D
And YAY Robert D. Finn is officially approved by Fred!
Love this to bits, from the idea of an over-protective dragon and his driver - both probably with a touch of PTSD - and Lyle proving he can be much more sensitive and aware than he appears.
*huggles Lyle*
Glad you enjoyed it ;)
Not many dragons this time around but they're all being pushy and want bigger slices in the story again. Help!
Two sets of harness-roughened hands mapped well known bodies.
Thank you!!
I promise, the Robert D. is Fred's approved and at some point we might even find out about the D ;)
LOL Lyle is always going "Bed Now", he's the energiser bunny!
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