Title : Elmer Characters: Lester and family Disclaimer: Not mine. Summary: Lester’s home early A/N: Written for rodlox for a ficlet challenge, thanks to fredbassett for the beta
This nearly made me fall off my chair laughing :-)
As she looked outside, the first thing she noticed was the slightly guilty look on James’ face, then her eyes took in the wall of long shaggy fur and what looked like seemingly endless tusks, jutting out from something the size of a bus, standing behind her husband.
"If I say he followed me home, are you still going to make me sleep on the couch, sweetheart?"
Comments 24
As she looked outside, the first thing she noticed was the slightly guilty look on James’ face, then her eyes took in the wall of long shaggy fur and what looked like seemingly endless tusks, jutting out from something the size of a bus, standing behind her husband.
"If I say he followed me home, are you still going to make me sleep on the couch, sweetheart?"
*dies laughing*
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No doubt the kids are going - We'll clean him daddy! We'll feed him!
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