Title: Winter, Geth, and 50 Sentences That Followed Fate
Fandom: Leven Thumps
Word Count: ~1500
done for
1sentence, set delta.
1. air
He has his head so far in the clouds that he threatens to carry her away.
2. apples
Marched through the gateway in the marshes of Sycophant Run like prisoners off a plank, Winter screamed injustice, but Geth's nose twitched, "Do you smell pie?"
3. beginning
They put the Thumps six feet under and then turn together to a ravaged Foo, and "now what?" she goes, because she always asks the obvious.
4. bugs
He comes back, unfailingly, and helps her beat them off; she shudders uncontrollably, and he laughs, "Is there anything that doesn't make you scream?"
5. coffee
She takes one long, trusting gulp, and promptly spits into the sink to his raucous laughter; "I thought things were supposed to taste better in Foo!"
6. dark
She reached out to touch the familiar features, and he snatched her hand and wrenched it up behind her back and Winter, meet Ezra.
7. despair
They're teenagers; they anguish like they're being paid, and Winter squeezes Leven's hand and goes, "What would Geth do?"
8. doors
Geth averted his eyes quickly and Winter ducked back into the bathroom, reaching blindly for a towel and yelling, "You better not be smiling!"
9. drink
Pheobe hands her something chocolate and frothy and smiles like a snow day in Iowa, saying with a voice as honey-sweet as Wendy's and downy as Amelia's, "Don't worry; he wants the same thing you do."
10. duty
This is them; they stand behind Leven now, instead of at his side, and they ignore the wind when it tells them their role has expired; they know nothing else.
11. earth
Foo cries out for him to be a warrior, Zale's bones cry for revenge from beneath the soil, and Winter knows her voice is drowned.
12. end
Geth's going on about lights and tunnels and Winter's going to smack him, she really is.
13. fall
Winter thinks she should be used to this by now, and this time joins Geth in his laughter the whole way down.
14. fire
She wasn't sure which one it was who grabbed her by the chin and kissed her so hard her gums bruised -- the Geth she knew or the Ezra they needed -- but she believed them now, those who said he set Foo in flames.
15. flexible
He regarded the lock on their cage with interest; "I can't help but notice that this would be easy if I were still a toothpick."
16. flying
Sometimes she thinks they fell in love in midair.
17. food
He leans over, tipping her head back, assuring her it tastes like linkada, no worries, and Winter wonders how the hell she's supposed to know what linkada tastes like; she grew up in Iowa!
18. foot
She never does get her memories back; "I feel like you're my crutch for everything," she murmurs, and he says something altruistic about fate.
19. grave
Azure gives himself up to the Dearth, and Geth leans into her like he needs her, wondering why fate has stolen all the lithen but him.
20. green
He watches them talk animatedly by the firelight, and when they're together, Winter's eyes glow almost as brightly as Leven's.
21. head
"Well, no," he said sheepishly, "My chair on the Council of Wonder committed suicide, remember?"
22. hollow
"When have I ever lied to you?" he went, eyes warm, and she bites her lip, because he never tells the full truth.
23. honor
There are three things Winter believes in life: she believes that Leven will save the world, that Geth can do anything, and that as long as the human imagination doesn't dry up, Foo will always be exotic, beautiful, exciting, and home.
24. hope
"There's no point in you making those lamb eyes at him," Leven tells her, because he sees everything now, and the resignation in his voice floods her head to toe with guilt, "Not until he gets his passion back."
25. light
"I've seen you do things as a toothpick that a grown man wouldn't even have the courage to do," and if Geth had been an echo, her faith would have made him blush like a supernova.
26. lost
"Oh!" Geth brightened at the sight of Ezra like he didn't have a knife at Winter's throat, "You must be the part of me that's missing."
27. metal
Osck twisted, plunging the knife deep up in between Leven's ribs in one smooth movement; Winter screamed, but when she stepped forward, Geth grabbed her by the waist before she was next.
28. new
"I'm a lithen and you're a nit," he goes seriously, watching the smile begin to stretch and fill every crevice of her face, "so we'll never have children; I just thought you should know."
29. old
Sycophants and lithens are a lot alike, and the more time she spends in Lilly's easy company, the more she misses him.
30. peace
"I don't think this bed is big enough for two," he mumbles in her direction, and she tells him fine, next time he gets to try to sleep next to Leven when his eyes are lit up.
31. poison
Her reflection laughs at her heartlessly, "If he genuinely cared about you, he wouldn't have kept it from you, would he?"
32. pretty
He catches her thinking, her teeth dragging across her bottom lip slow as murder, and his train of thought derails spectacularly.
33. rain
The storm moves over the City of Geth, rumbling insults and growling put-downs, but the young prince grabs her hand and pulls her away from the window, "come on, someone's dared Sabine to do karaoke!"
34. regret
"We used to be friends," Azure said like it had just occurred to him; Geth slipped his arm around Winter and murmured, "A long time ago."
35. roses
All the flowers and quite a few of the guests cry at the wedding, and when Leven sweeps Pheobe up despite her mammoth train, a Lore Coil bubbles over and Winter laughs in spite of herself, leaning against Geth; she smells surprisingly good, for a nit.
36. secret
They both have their graveyards full of them; Winter doesn't know about hers, and Geth's haunt his ever waking moment.
37. snakes
Geth pulled Winter into a tender hug, and Leven blinked, looked away, feeling something acidic and sour rear its ugly head in the pit of his stomach.
38. snow
"Did it work?" he asked anxiously, and she smirks, tells him he had better think about putting some shoes on, and turns her face to the rain.
39. solid
First was Darcy and Rochester -- her brothers in arms -- and then came Leven, who was so many things to her he made her head spin, but third time's the charm, and she stands at Geth's side like her entire life's been leading her here.
40. spring
"The weather was something like this when we met in Oklahoma, wasn't it?" she rolled over, pressing a March-fruit to his lips, and he tells her in no uncertain terms that he doesn't remember what the weather was like, but he did remember her stepping on him.
41. stable
Tim's eyes went as round as rocks, and Janet blinked like the blinds on a sunny day; Winter rubbed her temples and tells him, apologetically, that this is her family.
42. strange
Not caring who saw her, she tilted her head up and kissed him; when he dug his fingers into her hair, it was almost like she had done this before.
43. summer
She puts Geth in her breast pocket, grumbling all the while, "why can't evil villains make their headquarters someplace warm?"
44. taboo
During one of their long stints behind bars, he gives her a chronological timeline of her life, minus the years she spent at Sabine's right hand.
45. ugly
Leven delivers Foo its freedom and Geth delivers Winter her gift, and she'll never forget to which one she felt more grateful.
46. war
Oh, but this is honor and glory; she can hear him crying bitterly as he ties his blindfold.
47. water
"I almost just drowned for the umpteenth time, I haven't eaten since you swanned off at the bar, and I watched you fall from a thousand feet only to be swallowed up by Waves; of course I'm a little bit cranky!" Winter snaps, and they just grin at her.
48. welcome
She doesn't know what kind of person she was, that Sabine's servants laugh at her and Azure's eyes rake her, and Geth's advances are the only ones that make sense.
49. winter
"And them, down there, that's Geth, the king of Foo, and his beautiful wife," Leven's tone turns wistful.
50. wood
They know them very well in the glens of Cork, the lithen and the giftless nit, and when they meet, the trees turn away to give them their privacy.