Oh no, you don't need to beat anyone. Neither do I. I just very disappointed with my English teacher, and my friends in debate club. My teacher brought the wrong supporter for the debate tournament. What a silly idea, he brought the people who has illiteracy in debate, and he left the 10 grade's debaters instead.
And I'm kinda sick with my junior because they no longer show their respect to the seniors.
Ah, I see. Then *death glares* at all of those people. I really don't get why younger people aren't being more respectful towards their seniors, or even others in general. I mean, have parents stopped teaching manners?
Saya nggak pernah dinyolotin adek kelas sih, secara muka saya udah galak dan gak ada yang berani macem-macem sama saya. Kalo masalah mereka lebih berani ngelanggar peraturan sekolah sih, itu emang merekanya aja yang rusak. Model-model yang kayak gitu juga pasti juga gak pinter-pinter amat, gak usah dipikirin lahh. 8Q
Saya juga. Muka saya kan ga kalah sangar *shot* tapi ini masalahnya lain. Mereka ngomong seenaknya sama ketua asrama yang notabene alim, lembut, dan berkepribadian santun, asdfghjkl.
Comments 14
Oh no, you don't need to beat anyone. Neither do I. I just very disappointed with my English teacher, and my friends in debate club. My teacher brought the wrong supporter for the debate tournament. What a silly idea, he brought the people who has illiteracy in debate, and he left the 10 grade's debaters instead.
And I'm kinda sick with my junior because they no longer show their respect to the seniors.
Ah, I see. Then *death glares* at all of those people. I really don't get why younger people aren't being more respectful towards their seniors, or even others in general. I mean, have parents stopped teaching manners?
ank kls X sekarang pada songong", ngeliatin kakak kelasnya dg tampang sok gtu >
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