faith, fasciantion challenge (pyre_flies)

Dec 24, 2006 17:13

Title: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Setting: During the pilgrimage
Themes: 6 Faith, 37 Fascination
Pairing: Auron/Rikku
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Summary: Just a little drabble from Rikku's point of view. Title comes from a Jack Johnson song.

There's Yunie, all pretty and sweet with a smile on her face as we stroll toward her death. There's Lulu, with more boobs and power than I'll ever even hope to have. And there's Wakka trailing after her, trying his best to pick up the crumbs that she drops his way. And there's Kilmahri, wondering if we'd taste good with a side of potatoes. And there's Tidus, skipping merrily along since he's yet to discover the secret that the rest of us have been hauling along. A pilgrimage, Tidus, think about that for a minute. Even I know about what we're really doing, and I'm a heathen Al Bhed.

And there's Auron, who should be leading us, but instead is trailing at the end of our parade. I'm mad at them all for doing this so willingly, but I'm mad the most at him. Stoic bastard, he is, pushing us forward toward Zanarkand no matter how much I protest.

I keep waiting for the moment where he throws open his coat with a grand motion and an "A-ha!" and then proceeds to save Yunie and whisk us off to a land of rainbows and chocobos and candy and no Yevon. He's got a plan tucked away in one of his big pockets, I just know it. He's Auron, for sand's sake. He's the legendary guardian. Legendary guardian of awesome.

He's just got to. And so I stare at him through the camp fire, and I walk right behind him, taking two steps for every one step of his, and I polish my claws while he sharpens his blade, and I wait and wait and wait for him to share his secrets.

challenge, final fantasy x, pyre_flies

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