Beginnings challenge (fanfic100) [Willis]

Mar 30, 2006 22:45

Title: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Big Apple
Fandom: Digimon 02
Characters: Willis
Prompt: Beginnings
Word Count: 348
Rating: PG
Summary: The curse of being seventeen is that you're old enough to know what you want, but not old enough to get it.
Author's Notes: I'm messing quite a bit with the storyline of Digimon 02; take that, canon! This story, as well as the others for the fanfic100 challenge, will assume that the second half of the season did not occur. Instead, Ken *chose* to be the Kaiser and then *chose* to be redeemed. And only the Chosen Children have digimon, not the entire world. I'm using Willis' American-dub name, rather than Wallace (simply because I like the name Willis more), but I will be using the Japanese names for the other characters. My little table.

It wasn't New York City's fault that it wasn't Tokyo, but I couldn't help but hold that against it. No matter how many times I told my parents that, goddammit, I wanted to go to Japan, even when I presented them with a slide show that was accompanied by a three page, single-spaced essay, all I was rewarded with was a pat on the head and firm command to get back to my homework and stop wasting time and paper on such foolishness.

The curse of being seventeen is that you're old enough to know what you want, but not old enough to get it.

Since I wasn't enrolled full-time at school, I couldn't apply to a study abroad program. Since I had another two years before I earned my bachelor's degree, I couldn't apply to any decent foreign jobs. Since I only worked behind the counter at a pizza joint, I couldn't afford a plane ticket myself.

Since I was better at complaining than anything else, I wisely used my time whining and moaning instead of being productive.

Daisuke's letters and emails often worsened, rather than alleviated, my teenage angst. He sent pictures of the falling leaves of autumn, the festivals in summer, and the hot springs in winter. In spring, at the start of the school year, he sent my favorite pictures of all - Hikari and Miyako in new school uniforms. In return I sent him a photo of me making a face at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, me making a rude gesture in front of the tyrannosaurus rex skeleton at the Natural History Museum, and me sticking my tongue out at Empire State building.

I weep at my life's accomplishments so far.

I had nearly resigned myself to a fate of American exile, when destiny stopped kicking my ass and actually gave me a break for once. Here, said some benign deity, hows about you and me have a chat?

One day, one awesome day, I met Mimi.

challenge, fanfic100, digimon

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