A monumentally old and faded Good Vibrations T-shirt. Fairly sure I bought it at their shop in SF and that would have been, hm, probably knocking on twenty years ago ;) It will probably get changed out of when I go and pick G up from the airport in a few hours.
Dark blue 'Red Sea Divers' T-shirt, with the 'Red Sea Divers' logo where a pocket might be on a shirt. On the back a fin identification guide to the larger red sea marine life, includes a diver.
I'm afraid 'dangerous' and 'run [or swim] away' are not logically connected in many divers' minds. I'm pretty sure I won't be the first one eaten as I'm usually moving at speed in the opposite direction to the rest of the crowd when danger appears.
A long (to mid-calf) sleeveless white dress with big purple flowers on it, and a green long sleeved shirt knotted at the front. I visited a Georgian monastery and church today and women are not allowed in unless they have a skirt and cover their shoulders. Men have to wear long trousers and cover their shoulders too. Bizzarely, long baggy trousers are not acceptable for women but a miniskirt would be fine!
One of my set of "random Engrish from Japan" tshirts; this one's grey with brown text, and says "Enjoy Out -- KNOW AND BURN" before seguing into a little essay on the nature of Truth and finishing up with "A vacation is the decisive way to good health".
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