For reasons which now escape me, at work yesterday we were talking about eating insects. Someone posted a link to
this recipe, for "oatmealworm cookies", made with both oatmeal and mealworms. (NB That link goes to a blog about insect-eating, you have been warned).
It's a "no bake" cookie recipe, which basically involves glueing your dry ingredients together with butter, chocolate and peanut butter and then refrigerating[*]. I commented that I'd never met that style of biscuit recipe before, and was curious to try it.
Today, a colleague rolled in with some cookies made, he assures us, without mealworms. He swapped in chopped pecans instead. They're actually really nice - though I suspect they will devolve into goo very quickly if not kept in the fridge.
They are, however, leading me once again into the dangerous Peanut Butter Heresy. The PBH goes like this:
I like peanuts. I like satay sauce. I like peanut-butter cookies. I like the chicken dish my mum makes with peanut butter. I even like the ghastly Reese's peanut-butter cups. Therefore I must like peanut butter.
I am, right now, thinking that I should really give peanut butter another go, because surely I will like it.
In times like this it is important to remember: I have been down this route many, many times and I do not like the damn stuff. Despite all logic, it is improbably, unimaginably vile. Every time.
[*] No flour - it does have oatmeal in, but I imagine that could easily be swapped out for something else, so this sort of method might be an interesting route to gluten-free cookies.