Leigh!fic | Champagne High (1/1) | Edward Carmichael, Pansy Parkinson

Dec 22, 2014 20:23

Title: Champagne High (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Pairing: Edward Carmichael, Pansy Parkinson
Rating: PG
Summary Bespoke suiting, champagne, and fine scotch. It's just a normal morning for two old friends.
Word Count: ~1,200
Author's notes: This was written as a gift for goeungurl as part of my Summer 2014 Drabble Meme. The characters within come from the RPG ( Read more... )

fandom: harry potter, character: edward carmichael, summer 2014 drabble meme, character: pansy parkinson, leigh!fic

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Comments 2

goeungurl December 24 2014, 00:10:47 UTC
I think you captured Edward's response to Pansy's news quite perfectly. Meta pretty much echoed all the reactions drabble!Edward had from the from the pang of regret, happiness for his friend, relief that he sidestepped "love" once again, and then upon hearing the news, the momentary surprise, support and concern for his friend, and understanding of her feelings. The only thing you didn't mention (perhaps because he wouldn't necessarily admit this outloud) was that he felt honored to be the second person to know. It's fantastic (but scary!) news, and he's happy to share it with her.

And of course, his next plan of action is apropos as well: whatever she wants, even if it's denying everything for a day. Although the thought of Edward in a baby shop made me giggle. I can't even imagine. They wouldn't even have the requisite scotch.

My favorite bit:
"Concerned for my well-being, Edward?" she teased. "Careful. Word might get out and damage your reputation ( ... )


leigh_adams February 10 2015, 01:52:10 UTC
Your mission on your next break from studying: write Edward and Pansy shopping for baby things together. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN!

I always love writing these two together, and this was a fun little exercise. Originally, I intended to write something different, but this sort of came out. I'm really glad you liked it. :D

*SMOOSH* Love you, darling!


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