Leigh!fic | Trouble In A Broom Cupboard (1/1) | Zacharias Smith/Astoria Greengrass

Sep 25, 2013 20:41

Title: Trouble In A Broom Cupboard (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Zacharias Smith/Astoria Greengrass
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1,100
Summary: Of all the broom cupboards in the whole of London, it was only fitting she'd be locked in one with Zacharias Smith, Unspeakable and supreme prat extraordinaire.
Author's Notes: This is just a little ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

thimble_kiss September 26 2013, 09:16:19 UTC
I think this may be my favourite pairing that you write, and this was so sexy and cute, and Zacharias so deliciously bad! I always swoon at how you write him. And it was my birthday yesterday! So although this was for a different birthday girl, I'll just discreetly ride her shirttails a little bit. *g*


leigh_adams October 1 2013, 02:26:27 UTC
Oh, hun, thank you! And happy (belated) birthday! I didn't get notification it was your birthday, too -- in any case, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

It's funny, I don't really think of them as the way "I" write them. I base their characterizations off the way elle_blessing and numbaby wrote them at our RPG (with a few tweaks to make them just the teensiest bit different).

Happy birthday, darling! Thank you for reading! ♥


elle_blessing December 30 2013, 04:42:49 UTC
Somehow I missed this. Or just missed actually leaving a comment (cause if I'm remembering, I may have flailed at you on chats).

But in any case, love should have been left here. Because it was written for me and I LOVE IT. Like, seriously. You nailed the dynamic between these two. I love, love, loved the titillation, and the ending drives me crazy in a really awesome way. I'm left wanting MOAR. Because they were interrupted and we're not really sure if something would have happened!!

Ugh. I'm so sorry I didn't leave a comment. You're a super awesome peach and friend for writing me something for my birthday. I hope you know how much I appreciate you, and this, and everything.




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