Leigh!fic | Heaven and Hell (1/1) | Zacharias Smith/Astoria Greengrass

Jun 02, 2013 18:55

Title: Heaven and Hell (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Zacharias Smith/Astoria Greengrass
Rating: PG
Word Count: 913
Summary: Tequila was a bad choice.
Author’s Notes: Written for thimble_kiss as part of my Spring 2013 Drabble Meme. There is a small snippet of dialogue that is lovingly ripped off from The West Wing, so Aaron Sorkin gets the credit for ( Read more... )

spring drabble meme 2013, character: zacharias smith, character: astoria greengrass, leigh!fic, pairing: zacharias/astoria

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Comments 9

thimble_kiss June 3 2013, 10:30:48 UTC
Gah, you're the BEST. *tackleglomps* I love this! The segue from lascivious dream sequence into pitiful reality was hilarious and made me cackle. I must admit I feel for Zach, even if he brought it on himself; you describe the hangover misery so well it's hard not to empathise. :D And I love how Astoria tackles the situation with just the right balance between bitchiness and practicality... sometimes veering over a bit:

"I said are you going to listen to me?" her voice said loudly, right in his ear. *giggles*

And aww, the fondness that peeks through. I really enjoy how you write these two with their breezy-snarky affection. ("I smell like you now." "Thought you liked it?" Astoria's lips curled. "On a normal day, I don't mind it. But not today.")

Thank you so much for writing this for me. I haven't had a Zacharias fix in months and months! <3 (Finally... Aresnius? Oh, dear. As I was saying, poor Zach. *g*)


leigh_adams June 4 2013, 02:13:06 UTC
HEE! Oh yay, I'm really glad you liked it! I had to do a bit of trimming, or else they'd still be bantering. Astoria was having a bit too much fun making hungover!Zach miserable.

Also, that was the dialogue exchange from The West Wing. (See the first minute and a half of the scene -- one of my tried and true OTPs)

Despite her bitchiness, she still likes him. It's why she's not a complete bitch and only half a one instead. ;)

Fun fact: his middle name is Arsenius because when a friend of mine played him at our RPG, that was his middle name. It just stuck.

*SMOOSH* Thanks for the fun prompt, hun! :*


thimble_kiss June 5 2013, 19:15:38 UTC
That video clip is awesome! I think I love Donna already. I have the first season on West Wing on DVD and haven't gotten around to watch it yet - clearly I should remedy that!

Okay... Arsenius? :D Because it says Aresnius in your fic above - and I thought that was bad. But Arsenius would be both worse, and... y'know, apt. *dies*


leigh_adams June 5 2013, 19:26:51 UTC
That would be because I can't spell. >.>


mollywheezy June 3 2013, 21:06:43 UTC
This is great! I loved your seamless transition between Zacharias' dream and reality. Excellent descriptions throughout. And "Aresnies" . . . when I first read that I saw ARSE-nius and almost choked I laughed so hard. Great middle name for him either way. ;)


leigh_adams June 4 2013, 02:05:42 UTC
Thanks so much, Molly! This was a fun little piece to write, and I'm really glad you liked it. :D


elle_blessing July 1 2013, 02:52:02 UTC
"Did I not tell you tequila was a bad choice?" Astoria, it seemed, was extraordinarily chipper for first thing in the morning. "You would think by now you'd learn. Are you going to listen to me from now on?"

"I'm not even listening to you right now," he mumbuled under his breath. Speech, it seemed, had at least returned.


I like the juxtaposition of the first line and the last. It really gave structure to this as a standalone piece.

Very cute! Enjoyed the mutual snark ;D Good job!


leigh_adams July 2 2013, 01:23:21 UTC
Yeah, I totally stole that bit of dialogue from The West Wing. But it was so perfect!

Glad the juxtaposition worked. I was worried it came off as too forced. >.>

*SMOOSH* Thanks for reading, bebe! ♥


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