Leigh!fic | A Different Sort of Dance (1/1) | Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson

Apr 04, 2013 22:14

Title: A Different Sort of Dance (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,253
Summary: Pansy finds a way to entertain herself during yet another Malfoy party.
Author’s Notes: Written as a gift for mihnn as part of hp_humpdrabbles' Humpfest 2013.

A Different Sort of Dance (1/1) )

pairing: harry/pansy, character: harry potter, community: hp_humpdrabbles, character: pansy parkinson, leigh!fic

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Comments 2

13oct April 7 2013, 20:10:19 UTC
Heh. I love this!


leigh_adams June 9 2013, 22:57:15 UTC
Thanks, hun! Glad you enjoyed. :D


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