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Comments 5

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leigh_adams September 3 2010, 20:16:23 UTC
Thank you! There are a ton of great drabbles at the Humpathon! You should totally check them out!


geminai5 September 4 2010, 03:46:55 UTC
Awesome! All of them! None of these are what I'd call my favorite ships, but I definitely wouldn't mind reading more if you're the one who wrote them. ^_^


leigh_adams September 4 2010, 03:54:26 UTC
Aww, thank you! I don't know what your favorite ships are, but we've pretty much had nearly every ship possible at Humpathon 2010 at hp_humpdrabbles. You should come check it out!

And I'm glad you liked them! Drabblethons are fun because I get to branch out from what I usually write, experiment with new couples!


katmarajade October 5 2010, 16:39:58 UTC
Ooooh, you've got some great pairings here! I loved jealous!Gabrielle. The Katie/Marcus one was perfect. and YUM Viktor/Hermione.


leigh_adams October 6 2010, 01:53:03 UTC
Thank you! It was a ton of fun experimenting with so many new couples. I'm glad you liked the Katie/Marcus, especially! I love Katie to pieces, but I'm so not a M/K shipper.

I'm glad you enjoyed! :)


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