Leigh!fic- Unexpected (1/1)- George Weasley/Gabrielle Delacour

Aug 21, 2010 18:42

Title: Unexpected (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Prompt: U is for unexpected
Pairing: George Weasley/Gabrielle Delacour
Word Count: 1515
Rating: PG-13
Summary: While on business in Paris, George runs into the last person he expected to see.
Author’s notes: Written as part of my Alphabet Drabble Meme. elle_blessing requested George Weasley/Gabrielle Delacour with ( Read more... )

character: george weasley, pairing: george/gabrielle, leigh!fic, character: gabrielle delacour, april drabble meme

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Comments 21

elle_blessing August 21 2010, 23:54:46 UTC
Hee! I loved Gabrielle!! Tall, beautiful and forthright. And all grown up, and so very French.

*giggles* I love how you ended it with Monsieur Lefevre mumbling about cock-teases - especially as it's a bit of a cock-tease to leave us with that for an ending!

*SMOOSH* Thank you!


leigh_adams August 22 2010, 03:42:29 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! Writing Gabrielle was a new challenge (at least grown-up!Gabrielle), but I had fun with it. And Monsieur Lefevre was totally fun, even if he was only in their for .5 seconds.

I'll leave the ... to your imagination. ;)



bendleshnitz1 August 21 2010, 23:57:01 UTC
Nice fic!
I love the descriptions of Paris, the bar, that Monsieur Lefevre, the drink! (that was my fave part)
Great story :)


leigh_adams August 22 2010, 03:43:09 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! It brought back my own memories of Paris, and it was fun to give saucy!Gabrielle a try.



bendleshnitz1 August 22 2010, 15:26:03 UTC
Saucy!Gabby is the best ;)


secretsolitaire August 22 2010, 00:05:27 UTC


leigh_adams August 22 2010, 03:43:25 UTC
Thank you! :)


tania_sings August 22 2010, 00:34:16 UTC
OMG - Leigh! This is fantastic! I love your characterizations here, and the banter between them is great. Maybe I'm prejudiced because I just love the pairing so much, but I think this is my favorite of all your shorter stories.

Who is elles_blessing and will she marry me? I love her for requesting this!


elle_blessing August 22 2010, 00:38:07 UTC
Taken, but thanks for the sentiment ;)

Although ... *snogs!* (a little virtual smooch never hurt anyone :D)


tania_sings August 22 2010, 02:14:36 UTC
LOL - my first e-affair! I feel so dirty!


elle_blessing August 22 2010, 02:18:41 UTC
*GIGGLES* and we only just met! Scandalous.


geminai5 August 22 2010, 06:15:26 UTC
I felt like I was in a smoky bar in Paris. I could practically feel the burn of the alcohol and sweet thrum of desire between George and Gabrielle. And throwing in the humor and perfect cocktease of an ending with Lefevre? Literary perfection. I loved this!


leigh_adams August 22 2010, 22:20:04 UTC
Oh, thank you! I'm really glad you liked it! :)


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