I finish reading a web page, and once again, the Rosicrucians come up. Ok, so a legitimate 14th(15?) century esoteric mystical order! The dial of magical history turns back. I still don't know what they're about, but so far they have not been incorporated into my Grand Theory.
They were prominent in 'Foucault's Pendulum' as a wing of the subterranean surviving Knights Templar.
Oh, and I still leave out China, India, South America, and all of Africa. I'll get it all in. Soon...
Comments 2
I finish reading a web page, and once again, the Rosicrucians come up. Ok, so a legitimate 14th(15?) century esoteric mystical order! The dial of magical history turns back. I still don't know what they're about, but so far they have not been incorporated into my Grand Theory.
They were prominent in 'Foucault's Pendulum' as a wing of the subterranean surviving Knights Templar.
Oh, and I still leave out China, India, South America, and all of Africa. I'll get it all in. Soon...
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