Fandoms that are currently producing fewer than 15-20 vids a week will be separated into loosely-related affinity groups. Each group will get a weekly or biweekly post.
If you are interested in helping out with one of the listed groups, please let us know. You are free to simply add the relevant communities to your friends list, but I've divided up the various fandoms into filters on the reader LJ, which I've indicated below. (If you have any suggestions for additional newsletters or vid-focused LJ communities, please drop a comment. Also, if there are any websites that have a relevant rss feed available, that information would be welcome.
(I am posting the full list of watched journals here largely for my own convenience, which is why the listings are lj-cut.)
Anime, Comics, Heroes (tv) (also includes Final Fantasy, X-Men movies, non-anime animated source)
a_m_v_samvamv_challengeamv_horrorsamv_spotlightamvs_anonanimated_mvsawaatla_pressavatar_fanartavatar_vidsbleach_newsdragonconamvgushoushinfiles [Yami no Matsuei]
ink_vidsdragonconamvshortbusvidssqueenix_vidsstarrose_amvtitan_mvstrollopvidsvg_footage Comics
comicstore_newscomics_vidscrossover_newsmonitor_dutywf_roundup [World's Finest - Batman/Superman]
Final Fantasy
ff_noticeboardff_pressff_vids Heroes
comicstore_newsheroes_alertsheroes_vidsninth_wonders X-Men
wolverine_roguexmen_fans Angel, Buffy, Firefly/Serenity, Bones, Dexter
Angel & Buffy
atsbtvs_fanvidsbuffy_recsjossversecinemaslayerversathonspring_of_cordysu_heraldsummer_of_gilessummer_of_spikewhedon_updateswhedonverse_nbwatching_dailywinter_of_wes Bones
206_bonesbones_dailybones_newsbonesfanvidsj_institute Dexter
dexter_newsdextervids Firefly/Serenity
firefly_wavesjossversecinemathe_cortexwhedon_updateswhedonverse_nb (The su_herald is not all-inclusive, possibly we should add other sites? Is it possible to have an rss feed of nummytreat / buffyvids new posts added to LJ? If not, they can be searched manually. I may add vidding to this filter.) BSG, Farscape, Stargate SG1, Star Wars
bsg_creativebsg_womengalactica_vidsgalacticanews [note: not all-inclusive]
hidden_elysium Farscape
clamshellersfarscape_weeklyfarscapeviddersshellyawards Stargate SG-1
sg1_debriefsg_debriefsg_vid_recsstargatevidsthe_kawoosher Star Wars
jedi_newssw_fanvidsswfandomdaily Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lost, LoTRPs, Popslash
Harry Potter
daily_snitchdiscobatgirls_todayhp_envisionhp_fanflicksomgrecssunday_prophetthegoldenseekerhpblokes_videosquickquote Lost
islandtimeslost_newslost_vids Lord of the Rings
middleearthnewsringer_vids LotRPS/Popslash
lotrips_newsfour_lobstersnevergone_news Pirates of the Caribbean
despatches [comm. is also listed under Misc for the other fandoms]
isla_tortugasavvy_vids due South, Highlander, Starsky & Hutch, The Professionals, The Sentinel
Due South
ds_music_videosds_noticeboardds_weekly Highlander
hl_flash The Professionals
pros_pearlpros_vidthe_safehouse Starsky & Hutch
sh_roundupzebra3_vids The Sentinel
ts_newsletter Smallville, Queer as Folk, X-Files, Xena, Hercules
ll_fanvid [Lex/Lana]
sv_ledgersv_vids Queer as Fok
_in_babylongbaby_hollywoodgetitherelibertydinerqaf_neverlandqafvids Hercules
herc_iolaus Xena
xena_vids X-Files
xf_fanfilm Misc./Small Vidding Fandoms
24_newsletter24vids [locked, inactive]
3hoursmissing [NCIS]
anatomynews [Greys]
bds_media [Boondock Saints]
charmed_vidscommlink [Babylon 5]
crossover_newscsi_gazettecsimvdespatches [Age of Sail - Sharpe, Hornblower, etc.]
desperate_vids [Desperate Housewives]
dillon_panthers [Friday Night Lights]
enchanting_muse eureka_newslttrfan_the_votefandom_bbfandom_charityfanfic_and_vidsfangirlprojectfanmeta_reviewfanstuff_recfanvids25fanvids_archivefc_creations [fandom charity]
femslash_todayfriendsfanworksgirlgerms_news [Multifandom newsletter celebrating female characters]
gnarly_vidsgreys_videokatrina_relief1lawandorder_1lazyvids [LazyTown]
lomeinaliasvids [Alias]
movie_vidsmusicvideosmvidsncis_newsletternickngreg_clipsnumb3rs_fanvidsnumb3rs_noticeoffice_fanworksoperanotes [Phantom of the Opera]
othmusicvideos [One Tree Hill]
pb_vidsprisonbreaknewspsychnewsscranton_times [The Office]
seattlegrace [Grey's Anatomy]
shit_fanvidssff_vidding [sci-fi/fantasy]
songvids_guildt7s_fanvids [That '70s Show, inactive]
tds_videos [The Daily Show]
titanic_videostww_full_lidtww_vidsuniverse_today [Babylon 5]
u_tubevoteworkswayang_kulit [Multifandom]
youtube_favsyoutubedotcomcinema_vidsdays_of_dreamsfaith5by5vidvidderchallengetheframechangequarter_miledeadwood_hbolifein1973 [Life on Mars]
fandomvideosthedeadzonetrek_slashtrekslashvalhalla_sector [Jeremiah] ETA:
morgandawn is compiling the meta, tech, rec, & convention links. We don't need help with this at the memoent, but under the cut is a listing of all of the journals, syndicated feeds, and communities currently assigned to the Vidding Meta filter: