Permission Meme

Apr 16, 2011 16:39

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/it depends?
Ask please! Unless the entry says it's all right to do, that is.

Backtagging with this character - yes/no/it depends?
Yes, a thousand times, yes!

Back-dating entries with this character - yes/no/it depends?
Sure, I don't mind!

Hugging/kissing/other sort of intimate actions with this character?
Might be a bit difficult since he's going to be keeping his armor on, but you're more than welcome to try! Doesn't mean he's going to reciprocate or appreciate the gesture--or even react to it. Really depends on what's done.

Punching or causing some other form of physical harm to this character?
Again, you're more than welcome to! Just know that Wash IS a highly trained soldier in many different forms of combat and is very strong--look at the armor he wears, for one, and two, he's probably going to be in the armor when he's about town, so any barefisted encounters might not turn out so hot for the opponent...

Is there anything that should not be mentioned near this character?
Even any triggery things like Epsilon, what happened to him, and such he shoots down pretty quickly to avoid talking about them (mainly because he's sick of talking about it), so there aren't really any restrictions here with him.

Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character (i.e. special physical features or abilities)?
Unless I change my mind about using a PB for the times he's not in his armor, Wash is always going to be in his armor for interaction purposes and stuff. He'll feel safer in it than leaving himself vulnerable. Besides, it'd be just his luck that the moment he does wander about town that something happens and he's without everything. But yes, he is strong and everything, so if you're wanting a fight, be warned that he won't hesitate to take you out as fast as he can. He's not the type to play around with his opponent.

He'll usually be monitoring his motion tracker--one can never be too careful, after all--but he definitely isn't someone you want to sneak up on. he will pull his gun on you if you manage to best the motion tracker, but he also has a head on his shoulders so he wouldn't just pull the trigger. He's not like that.

Oh, also, Wash has a habit of not telling people important information until like...the very second they need to know it--and even by that point, it's like, "Argh, why didn't you say so sooner?!" (To parody this, there's a short the Rooster Teeth team did called The Recording Session, and Wash's voice actor is reading a bit of dialogue that pretty much sums up Wash's modus operandi: "You have to understand, there's more to this story that I know but won't tell you. Even though you need to know. You'll just have to trust me regardless of the fact that you have no reason to trust me. Now come on, let's get out of here." So yeah~)

Anything else that was not mentioned above?
I think...that's it, really. Everything else about him can be seen in his application (found here) and if you're interested in the series itself, you can watch it on Youtube (the link is to the first season, but Wash doesn't appear until the mini series "Recovery One", set before Season 6 starts. In that case, you can find the parts 1 & 2 here and parts 3 & 4 here) or you can watch it on the Red vs Blue site itself (here, which again leads to the first season, first episode. Just know that it starts up automatically like it would in Youtube.) Really either place works~

Oh, and "Recovery One" comes after "Out of Mind", which covers a part of the story with Tex between Seasons 4 and 5. (You can watch it here, then here.)

If you have any questions about it or anything, don't be afraid to ask me!

*verse: luministi, !ooc, !permissions

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