Title: Sympathique
Genre: Drama/Romance
Characters: France (Francis Bonnefoy), England (Arthur Kirkland), Canada (Matthew Williams), America (Alfred F. Jones) and various others
Pairing(s): FrUK
Rating: T
Warnings: AU, strong language, use of human names, sexual situations and an extremely sarcastic Brit
Summary: Francis and Arthur have known each other
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Comments 3
Anyway, what a great start (meaning both this and the first chapter)! I am hooked - you have described Francis' and Arthur's relationship well and caught their personalities, and the plot is interesting; I have to say, I'm a sucker for FrUK that has real and insecure feelings beneath all that "hate". The way Arthur showed care for Francis was hear-warming.
I can't wait for more, keep this up! :)
(May I ask, are you going to post this to what_the_fruk? It would make it easier for me to follow this wonderful fic.)
I'm really glad that you're enjoying it so far and I hope that I can continue to keep you interested!
I haven't actually considered that. I've posted it up on the main Hetalia LJ, but posting it on what_the_fruk might not be a bad idea. I'll have a think about it. There are so many amazing writers that post there, I wonder if I'd fit in!
Thank you for your lovely comment~!
I love how it switches from both of their point of views. I've always loved first person, especially if it's written well, like this!
And I've always imagined Francis and Arthur knowing each other since elementary school. Always arguing, and such. Aha, I'm just glad you included that! u w u
/leaps to other part
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