Title: Eros
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Characters/Pairing(s): America (Alfred F. Jones), England (Arthur Kirkland), USUK
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong language, use of human names and sexual situations
Summary: Alfred and Arthur are fighting again. But this time it proves to be too much for Alfred to handle. He flees Arthur’s house and is let loose in London
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Comments 2
This was just amazing! And noooo, the sex was not suck-ish at all! In fact, I loved it because of how realistic it was! Most times, it's just stretch and then fuck but this was actually ahhh just yeah. sflksdjf
I've only read one or two USUK fics total, and this is my fav of them so far. I love every little detail, honestly. It's so in-character, too! I love your writing style so much, Lucy, really. I am so glad I read this! <33
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