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Comments 3

a_belladonna February 23 2022, 17:15:46 UTC
Oh no, that sounds really not good. :( I mean, at least it's good it wasn't a heart attack, but still. I hope you'll get better soon - between this and your sore throat, I'd say you've had enough illness for the time being!

And sorry for not saying this earlier, but thank you for your lovely Christmas card. It brightened the day it arrived on. :)


velyrhorde February 23 2022, 23:45:41 UTC
Thank you! I enjoyed your card as well. And yes, I feel I have had quite enough expensive illness for the next 10-20 years.


a_belladonna February 25 2022, 23:10:30 UTC
Fingers crossed that the spring will bring some better health. :)


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