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Comments 4

sc_fossil January 14 2021, 15:05:14 UTC
Generally my walking path is 3.2 miles. I've listen to over 2,000 hours of audiobooks. Did 8 books just since June. But then I like walking. Good luck. Zumba is great if you're looking for at home stuff.


velyrhorde January 14 2021, 17:12:22 UTC
3 miles ... OMG I'm not sure I can even make 1 at this stage. I'm thinking I'll start by walking to the main road and back! Maybe I will invest in an Audible subscription then ... might be better than listening to music.


sc_fossil January 14 2021, 17:16:10 UTC
I'm totally bored with music. Try Hoopla through the library system. It's free!! I've been walking for more than 10 years now so I really enjoy it.


sc_fossil January 14 2021, 17:17:37 UTC
I remember when my friend started jogging. She's go two telephone poles, then three, then more. You have to work up to it. I'm not a jogger but if I do the long route around the lake and back home (which is beautiful, mountains, lake, etc) its 3.4 miles. It takes me about 1.25 hours. I'm not fast but steady. Good luck!


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