Friends Only

Sep 16, 2005 23:27

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Comments 188

slytherinblack October 24 2004, 03:56:17 UTC
You are the Rami, as opposed to just any old Rami!

What if I asked you to bite?


velvet_ropes October 24 2004, 03:56:57 UTC
Then I'd ask you where. :D


slytherinblack October 24 2004, 03:57:27 UTC
Wherever your little heart desires.


tare_cthulhu October 24 2004, 12:02:09 UTC
*Blows kissies*


mokushi_tenshi October 25 2004, 04:22:42 UTC
It's good to see you're back! ^_^ I haven't known you for very long, and I still don't know you very well; yet I would have been sad to see you go. I guess it's not very often I find people a lot like me. ^^; Well anywho, I'm not sure what happened, but I do hope you're feeling better. I have no idea if I could, but if there's any way I could help cheer you up, I'd be happy to try. I'm a good listener at the least, anyway :P.


velvet_ropes October 25 2004, 09:55:51 UTC
Awww! <3 Thank you. I appreciate your offer very much. *hugglesz* :3 Nope, I no going anywhere.


dark_is_the_sex October 25 2004, 21:27:00 UTC
::Nibbles on her:: <<;


velvet_ropes October 28 2004, 22:58:44 UTC
*Gnaws on your arm all slobbery-like* >>;


tamchronin October 26 2004, 02:19:59 UTC
~loves on the Rami~


Sorry it took me so long to friend you...I'm such a scatter-brain. @_@

I, personally, have a policy where I only bite on request. ~grin~ Nobody's been brave enough. ~snicker~


velvet_ropes October 28 2004, 23:00:21 UTC
^^; It's okay. *glompsloves* Great to have you aboard. <3

And I'll gladly welcome you to bite me once I wash all this paint off my skin. Oo; I think it's kinda toxic.. <<;


willow_one October 26 2004, 04:26:58 UTC
Can I use your love me not icon? Pwease?

Btw, do you think Muraki's gryphon things would stand a chance in a fight with Asclepius? :P


velvet_ropes October 28 2004, 23:01:32 UTC
Sure, you can use it if you like. ^^ <3

And.. I have no idea. o_o;; Your guess may be as good as mine.


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