If you have a request for a specific character/celebrity to be iconed for a roleplay journal and/or forum account, please ask here!
Requesting Rules
- Links to image galleries and/or images you'd like iconed usually help your request be fulfilled;
- I am under no obligation to actually accept the requests, so please don't complain if yours isn't fulfilled;
- Requests may be completed quickly, or may take a while. Depends on my schedule and how busy I may be. So please be patient. I'll comment back whenever your request has been completed, so keep an eye on this post or have comment notifications enabled please;
- Credit as usual is a must. If I see people using my icons without credit, I'll ask them to credit. A second time, and they're permanently banned from requesting;
- You may request more than one icon, but there's no guarantee that I'll make them all;
- Icons will be textless and in .jpg or .png format;
- Include either the character journal(s) that the icons will be used in, or a link to wherever the icon will be displayed;
- Don't redistribute these icons without credit;
- These icons are being made for free, so please don't complain if you don't like your icon(s)!
That said, if you'd still like to request, please do so. Keep in mind that this journal is mostly RP icon-oriented, and although you may use icons in your personal journal, please don't request icons strictly for personal use. There are plenty of other communities and iconing journals for that!