Who do I have to blow to get some representation around here??

Dec 10, 2008 14:42

Core cast for live-action Avatar movie revealed

ಠ_ಠIs there some way I can call M. Night Shyamalan a race traitor or something without sounding like a crazy Asian nazi? I want to use it. No, I actually really really don't care if these kids do a phenomenal acting job. And is it okay if I claim that it's not just a geek thing? Because it isn't ( Read more... )

animation: avatar, bawwwww, lol azn, movie

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Comments 116

izkariote December 11 2008, 00:38:40 UTC
...I only have one thing to say.



vejiicakes December 11 2008, 06:43:50 UTC
Where's our Asian Kanye West? I need someone to go:



jadeprince December 11 2008, 01:43:24 UTC
It doesn't surprise me, but it does dissappoint me. Mostly this one though: WTF, JESSE MCCARTNEY. REALLY? Ugh. My heart. Oh Zuko, what have they done to you. If any of the kids was going to be played by an Asian actor, I thought at least, it would be Zuko. I MEAN, COME ON. Black hair, porcelin skin, HELLO, EVEN THE STEREOTYPICALLY SLANTY EYES.

The shallower part of me is thinking at least they got a cute guy to be Sokka... And at least they're mostly no-names instead of stars...?

Maybe the rest of the cast will have more diversity? ::hopes::


vejiicakes December 11 2008, 02:03:44 UTC
I dunno, I feel like if they'd at least gotten names as their core cast, that could excuse part of the white-washed casting decision. Like, for 21 the reasons given for the two white actors chosen instead of the Asian characters they were supposed to be playing was, "box office draw." Which.. I don't think Kate Bosworth and whatshisname from Across the Universe are -that- much of a box office draw, but it's an excuse I'll take. But casting no-namers for the core cast just makes me think they just couldn't bear to give the lead roles to Asians.


jadeprince December 12 2008, 01:07:38 UTC
Yeah, that thing with 21 seems extra retarded since they were real-life Asian people, and not fantasy characters. I actually didn't know that about the film. I didn't see it anyway but seems like a pretty retarded thing to do.

I feel torn, because most of the time, it bothers me when actors are cast by appearance or fame instead of skill and talent, so between a person who looks the part (or is a big name) but can't act his way out of a paper bag and someone who doesn't look right but can believably act the character... I'll chose the latter. Of course, secondarily to that is my disbelief that there wasn't any one Asian kid who auditioned who didn't suck... that does seem unlikely.

I'll be curious for a press-release with further explanation. I don't think M. Shamalamadingdong can stay quiet on this after so much public outcry. If he's smart anyway.


vejiicakes December 12 2008, 01:43:23 UTC
I feel torn, because most of the time, it bothers me when actors are cast by appearance or fame instead of skill and talent, so between a person who looks the part (or is a big name) but can't act his way out of a paper bag and someone who doesn't look right but can believably act the character... I'll chose the latter.

That's how I feel about movie casting too, but by that same token I don't think that same method of casting can be said to apply to anything but pointedly race-neutral roles. (I mean, people of color can barely make it into race-"neutral" roles as it is, because then they have to justify why this character should be a PoC.) I'm not even sure if all the teenagers listed are on the cast list because they auditioned at open casting--it sounded like some were specifically sought out and offered the roles.

I mean, I think Cate Blanchett is a fine, fine (mmmmmm fiiiiine) actress who would do literally ANY role justice, but I'm probably not going to even think about offering her the lead role in a Big Dramatic Movie ( ... )


glockgal December 11 2008, 02:38:41 UTC
Yyyyyyeeessssssssss GOD to everything you've said here. I've already puked all over my LJ (and I'm gonna add a link to you; I'd like to document all the cogent rage over this incase I get some idiot asking "What's the big deal" so I can point to your post) but you have summarized EVERYTHING THAT MAKES ME ANGRY ABOUT THIS.

Especially - ESPECIALLY like this whole 'Oh it's all fantasy' bullshit. So would everyone have been a-okay if they cast the entirety of LoTR with, oh, let's say, African-American actors? NO. BECAUSE THE LESSON HERE IS THAT WHITE IS THE DEFAULT.



PS - I was thinking about referencing 21 as well; while that is an epic case of epic whitewash, I find this casting of Avatar to be, quite boldly, yellowface. It dusgusts me.

I'm so ashamed to be in the same broad ethnic category as M Night right now.


vejiicakes December 11 2008, 02:59:37 UTC
I actually briefly mention 21 in my comment to a friend further down (wait, up) the thread. It's a little like that, though in that movie's case they were white actors playing IRL Asian PEOPLE written as fictional Asian CHARACTERS finally funneled through Hollywood to get played by... white actors? So a little different, but if one assumes the bullshitosity of the "fantasy world" argument then this Avatar casting thing is basically 21 on a MASSIVE, CONTINENTS-WIDE (possibly WORLD) SCALE.

I wonder if it's too late to retract the casting decision. I know people who are slated to play parts can be dropped and recast later for a variety of reasons, including if they don't test well early on. This sounds much more set in stone but if for nothing else, I want Shyamalan SHAMED for this. He got into Avatar in the first place because his own daughter wanted to dress up as Katara, and I would muse about the live-action version, thinking, "Wouldn't it be cool if he cast like, SE Asian/Indian (okay I tend to just kinda smush the two ( ... )


glockgal December 11 2008, 03:34:40 UTC
Man, I wanted to quote your good points but I think this entire comment is one giant amass of GOOD POINTS. It's everything I'm feeling right now, and frankly, I'm really surprised (disappointed?) at the amount of people that don't seem to understand our rage. OH WELL, THAT'S THE INTERNET, LOLS.

It would be bloody brilliant if they could retract the casting due to fan uproar. I wonder if there's been a precedent for that, I should investigate online and check!

I know ali_wildgoose is looking for ways to get the point across - probably writing letters is the best way, and she got in contact with the Asian American Justice Centre...I mean. Like okay --

This is where the whole "Is it just nerdy? Or is it truly injustice?" comes in. And I'm leaning wholly on your outlook because it makes me feel better for being angry and knowing that this is way past a nerdly disgruntled "So-and-so can't play that character. *snort*". It's blatantly offensive and subversively discriminating. And I need to remember this ( ... )


vejiicakes December 11 2008, 03:45:01 UTC
Oh man, I started reading
  • 's thread and then had to stop before I screamed and flung my soda across the room.


    Jeebus, not to steal a line from a sub-par movie but JUST BECAUSE IT IS DOESN'T MEAN IT SHOULD BE.

    Children won't understand seeing all these Asian actors?

    WHAT, THERE ARE NO CHILDREN OF COLOR NOW? I don't even see HOW this is an argument! I know they don't see a lot of people of color in their little shows/movies. Frankly, that's MORE of a reason to put them in, not less. Will they be surprised to see a whole cast of people with non-pasty skin and narrow eyes? Yeah, maybe. I'LL BET ANYTHING THAT TWO MINUTES INTO THE MOVIE, THEY'LL STOP COWERING AND GOING, "MOMMY, WHY DOES AANG'S FACE LOOK LIKE THAT?" AND JUST ENJOY THE FUCKING MOVIE.

    I'm already planning on putting in some work, for whatever I can do towards getting Prop 8 repealed over the winter break, but I'm all for pitching in towards ali_wildgoose's efforts. I mean shit, it's not like we're angry that Zuko's not hot enough. We're angry that this ( ... )
  • Reply

    raane December 11 2008, 02:57:16 UTC
    Haha. Maybe I'm just nuts from two straight weeks of finals, but I'm merely amused. Not that I can feel much of anything, anymore...*twitch*


    vejiicakes December 11 2008, 03:00:18 UTC
    Well you'd better join me in the fusion politics-of-race/nerd-rage later when you're feeling better.


    raane December 11 2008, 03:01:40 UTC
    Kay! Oh yeah, we're supposed to have a crazy awesome party soon. :D


    stuv December 11 2008, 03:16:05 UTC


    vejiicakes December 11 2008, 22:50:34 UTC


    stuv December 11 2008, 23:58:26 UTC
    lol-pology :D


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