Sorry for the knee-jerkiness of this post--I wrote it up early this morning with 91% of the precincts called in (95% now and the percentages are still the same) on Prop 8. This is purely therapeutic for me.
I don't know if I'll even be able to face the people who I know would've voted Yes on this measure without crying today (idc I just hope it doesn't undermine my ANGER). I keep saying to myself it isn't the end--this is, after all, going to be the civil rights movement of our generation. It's just.. SO incredible how wrong this is.
I cherish people like you SO MUCH. People who want to fight for our rights and are just as hurt as we are over it. I just wish there were more people like you out there in both this state and in others. I can't thank you enough for your support and passion over all of this :( :( *HUGE HUG*
*big hug back* I'm so sorry, man. I don't even get- I mean, I KNOW why this happened, it's just unthinkably stupid. People like me shouldn't be like some kind of rarity, this is just being a decent human being D:
Comments 25
This is not the end.
*hugs you tight* In fact, this is the fight of our generation. It's so far from over.
*hugs back!!!* It is. We'll win.
(The comment has been removed)
Also, *hugs you tight* It means a lot to have people like you fighting for fairness. Thanks.
NO, shut up hope, you've hurt me enough already today >.< ..I SAID SHUT IT. Damn it. It's back.
All the same though, *hugs you back hard* I'm so sorry this is even happening.
People who are sick of the gay agenda had better get ready for a storm.
We are not done fighting. Not by a long shot. And if our straight allies don't give up on us, then I believe it will happen.
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