Author: veiledndarkness
Title: Exhalation
Rating: PG
Pairing: Implied Bobby/Jack
Summary: A breath caught in the night air...
Warnings: Not mine, no harm intended, no profit made.
From the prompt Dark at
fourbrothers100 xx
He breathes out, the sound shattering the stillness of the night. He rolls over, taking most of the blankets with him. Bobby's eyes trace the outline of Jack's face in the moonlight, his breath catching.
He swallows dryly, the darkness closing in on him for a moment.
Jack's soft exhales soothe his fears, the uneasiness that the darkness leaves behind. Bobby leans forward and brushes a kiss over Jack's lips, a smile curving his own when Jack makes a contented sound.
He hates the dark, all that it hides, except for his Jack, the one who eases what he fears.