Title: The Dying Never Stops
djcatiFandom: Star Wars NJO (DT1: Onslaught)
Characters: Hobbie Klivian, Han Solo
Summary: Han thinks tapcafs are the solution to his grief, and Hobbie's mission is simply to make sure he's all right.
Rating: PG
Notes: I'm blaming this one on Leia, and Mike Stackpole.
Words: 2562
Blond hair fell into his eyes, but he ignored it. It wasn't nearly as annoying as this silence was uncomfortable. But what could he say? )
Comments 3
At first Leia claimed she didn't do anything, but after reading she nodded, a lot, and said yup she did, you can blame her for this story anytime you want. ;)
Haha, that's good to know. I shall indeed blame her then. :p
i haven't read that particular NJO book because they killed Chewie and i can't deal with that. but this is exactly how Han would react. and i like how it's from Hobbie's point of view-- i wouldn't have thought he'd be the one to go look after Han. very in character to have him think of it as a "mission" too.
this? is really good.
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