Title: (untitled for now)
Author: djcati
Fandom: Star Wars, post-NJO
Characters: Wedge, Tycho, Wes, Hobbie
Rating: G (for now)
Notes: Bunny bites without a plot. This idea came from
minervasolo's comments on one of my posts a while back, because I think Wes Janson would be the best president - or Prime Minister - anyone could ever vote for. And I would dearly
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Comments 1
So, Wedge is going to run against him, hmmm? I see many comparison of X-wing careers. I see slander of pre-Rebellion times. I see, I most definitely see, Ewoks. Holos of ewoks in unfortunate places. I see Leia throwing her support behind Wedge, but Han behind Wes just to be contrary (and because he'll cut the prices of all Corellian exports for Correllians). I see Wes going for teh popular vote, and Wedge desperately tryig to talk sense into the rest of the world.
I see a surprise victory by Grand Admiral Thrawn.
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