Title: A Very Good Plan Fandom: Star Wars NJO Words: 1764 Notes: for chlorrel: a Christmas fic ... although I owe her it from the summer. *shifty* It's not quite to the terms of the challenge, but close enough for me. :)
*pokes head in randomly* That's not Yun from Dark Forces II in your icon, is it? I was trying to figure out who has a yellow lightsaber, and he's the only human I could remember. Maybe I'm just nuts, though...
You can blame Jenny and the other Sarah for Tahiri/Zekk though. I mean, it was vaguely part of the challenge back in summer, but it's only recently been an actual 'ship. :O
Comments 14
*pokes head back out*
Fun you mention it, though, I was working on a Yun icon just now XD
It warms my heart to know that I'm not the only one who remembers Yun, though. :D Sariss really did him wrong...
You can blame Jenny and the other Sarah for Tahiri/Zekk though. I mean, it was vaguely part of the challenge back in summer, but it's only recently been an actual 'ship. :O
Ah, the things milliways_bar does to people...
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