Supernatural 5.11

Jan 21, 2010 21:38

Long story short, I did not enjoy this episode. ( Cut for spoilers )

episode review, supernatural, everything needs moar misha, fandom

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super_seme04 January 22 2010, 03:48:58 UTC
Only Supernatural has the power to make a person miss hearing Lucifer's voice. I'm certain that fic is being written as we speak so don't despair. Maybe this episode was purposely made a lackluster one so we can be lured into a false sense of security because the rest of season will just blow our minds. It's only a theory.

*cross fingers*


veggie17 January 22 2010, 04:13:04 UTC
My, I really do miss Luci. :(

Oh, fic! Bless the fic, I don't know how we'd survive without it.

We shall hang on to that theory, then. I have faith things will pick up and they'll raise the bar.

Also -- welcome back! *smishes* <3


super_seme04 January 22 2010, 04:18:17 UTC
*hugs* We all do. >_> I don't know exactly how to feel about that because, well, he's the DEVIL, but he's just so damn *irresistible*!

We wouldn't. We would be forced to accept canon and choke on our rage at what we watch or read. D: It would be sad, terrible world.

It's a good theory and I'll cling to it until I'm proven wrong. *nods vigorously*

:D It's good to be back!


veggie17 January 22 2010, 23:52:51 UTC
Hee, the devil is just misunderstood, the poor fella. :P

It would be sad, terrible world.



super_seme04 January 22 2010, 23:56:35 UTC
:P He's as misunderstood as an accidental gunshot to the face!

...I look at your current icon and I can't help of think of Tyler/future!Cas then I just kind of flail mindlessly and drool slightly because OH MY GOD. OH. MY. GOD. That very reason is why fic is *AWESOME*.



veggie17 January 23 2010, 06:01:14 UTC
Did you... omg... did you just implant Tyler/Cas into my head? Part of me is surprised this hasn't occurred to me sooner, and part of me is mortified. Mortified due to the EPIC AWESOMENESS it entails, and O.M.G. I... will not be able to think about anything else now.
I don't even know how it'd be possible since Tyler technically doesn't exist, but I want fic regardless. Someone needs to write this, like, yesterday!

Thank you for putting this into my head! It's not like I have any studying to do... :P


super_seme04 January 23 2010, 06:25:04 UTC
If you think that's mind blowing then hold on to your fuckin' hat because what I just thought of makes this look like child's play.

What if Tyler really does exist? What is Tyler is actually an angel and Jack is just his vessel? Tyler is obviously brilliantly insane and hates everything because he has seen the worst of everything. God is gone so the only thing to believe in death and chaos and Tyler doesn't mind that one bit. He warned them, but they didn't listen and now everything is going to burn.


:P Welcome to my brain, these thoughts come and go but I can never sit still with one because there's *always* more than one.


veggie17 January 23 2010, 06:47:26 UTC
And so Tyler is kind of like Gabriel, indifferent to which side wins, and just wanting it to be over and make the most of it. And once Cas is all broken and hopeless and hapless, who better to turn to then a fellow sort-of angel? Who better to learn from how not to give a fuck then Tyler Durden?

Or, alternatively, he might be one of the angels that fell with Lucifer, his right-hand, bringing mayhem to earth.

*takes a deep, deep breath*

Now, please, go write this down or something! I will bribe you with candy, and hugs, and... anything! Holy shit, woman. Your brain is awesome. <3


super_seme04 January 23 2010, 07:01:34 UTC
Tyler's the founder and president of Team I Don't Give a Fuck when it comes to the Apocalypse. Cas will soon learn his ways of ultimate zen through destruction and fornication. Interestingly enough, Tyler doesn't seem to like any kind of drugs so there's no chance of Cas becoming a junkie. He will hit rock bottom while being of sound mind and body and Tyler will be there every miserable, godless second of it.

I actually don't think that Tyler likes Lucifer because he wants to know why God made things like this. Tyler knows why things are the way they are but he just doesn't give a fuck. They're all going to live and die so burn out brightly while raging against the inevitable.

*hands you brown paper bag*

You're going to need that, these things tend to get EPIC.

:) I will write this for you and it shall be called 3 AM.


veggie17 January 23 2010, 07:17:34 UTC
*claps madly in excitement*
This is not only amazing and original, it actually makes sense and is plausible!

Tyler managed to drag Jack down without the help of any narcotics, so I bet he can do the same to Cas. He fucked up Marla pretty good, too, if you ask me. And it kind of makes senses that after years of not being able to feel anything they find some sort of comfort and outlet in fight club.

This is so exciting and exhilarating, thank you! I will now have a pleasant night's sleep and something to keep me sane(ish) through all the studying I have to do in the next few months.


super_seme04 January 23 2010, 07:23:37 UTC

There's usually reason in madness and that's why it's brilliant.

XD I bet Lucifer wishes he could mind fuck as well as Tyler does. Tyler ruins everything that he touches with joy and purpose and that's why we love him. That's why *they* loved him. Fight Club is everything that Tyler ever wanted to feel.

:D I'm glad you're excited because I'm excited too! <3 Good night and sweet dreams.


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