i fully admit that this is a total spam moment, but:
some friends and i started a new band, called vegan warfare. obviously, we are all about veganism and how the animal rights struggle is connected to all other struggles in the world.
we put up a song on our myspace
here you can kill me now
Comments 27
If it's you, I'm sorry, but that's really bad. Try to tone down the voice some and do something other than scream. You're going to tear up your vocal cords like that, and I'm not joking.
There need to be more vegan bands - keep up the good work, and try to take my advice as just that, and not negative criticism.
there won't be anything other than screaming, so you will probably hate us.
I actually like the vocals.
But seriously, you guys need to speed it the fuck up, man! At that pace, I half expect a rapper to show up somewhere in there, all brocore style!
rap-metal came in around 98/99
all of our influences (that we sound pretty similar to) are from like 93-97: chokehold, green rage, raid, earlier earth crisis, etc. or, they're inspired by those bands: 7 generations, gather, etc.
But I am saying I think you'd sound a hell of a lot better playing it faster.
But I'm prolly just as full of shit as everyone, so what do I know?
every band we are influenced by is like 1995
basketball shorts hardcore, to me, means like donnybrook, madball, etc
we sound nothing like them
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