Webpage blog?

Aug 13, 2008 09:44

I know some of you have a blog on your website outside of livejournal so I figured I would ask here ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

duckumu August 13 2008, 14:15:55 UTC
first of all, congrats on being in the book. that is so awesome.

there are plenty of blog platforms that you can use on your own website. my personal favorite is wordpress:


it's incredibly easy to set up and customize. i think your host will need to support PHP.


veal August 13 2008, 15:06:02 UTC
Thank you baby! Did you see the picture gift I left you in your last post. I keep looking at it and it makes me smile huge every time!


veal September 7 2008, 23:28:25 UTC
Ok, I've been looking into this and before I pay for it I just want to figure some stuff out. So if I set it up with wordpress, I basically have nicolelaroche.com redirect to my wordpress page, but say I want another page on my site about book design or about knitting, if I make those pages at nicolelaroche.com/bookdesign or whatever, will they go back to my regular webhosting?


thegreyghost August 13 2008, 22:02:42 UTC
I second the WordPress vote!


theblitzkid August 16 2008, 19:04:18 UTC
Dude, I MISS YOU!!!! I miss you, Gulli, Fruity, I MISS IT ALL!!!!


veal August 20 2008, 02:09:34 UTC
Dude, I miss you too! I hope you had fun while you were here. Sorry our time together wasn't too exciting. You have to come back :(


theblitzkid August 20 2008, 11:47:07 UTC
Um..what you talkin about, I had the best time hanging out with you! Natasha thinks yer awesome!

Oh and I especially love the time when you had that cocktail. That was hilarioussss!


miyu August 17 2008, 10:12:32 UTC
long time no see. this is probably the first time i've used lj in years now. i didn't think anyone used it anymore. funny how you can lose touch of people so easily. hope you're doing well!
/me hugs!


veal August 20 2008, 02:12:11 UTC
Yeah it's weird to watch journals slowly fade away. I never post anymore, but I read my friend's list every day. I only ever posted when I was depressed, so I like to think that everyone who is dropping off the face of lj has found happiness or something.



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