insta-rec and Jericho

May 07, 2007 19:04

First, an insta-rec -- Fireball, by celli. I may well be the least-likely reader for this fic, since it's an SGA AU set in the world of NASCAR racing, which is something I know absolutely nothing about. Maybe less than nothing. As I type this, I'm betting that the "R" stands for "racing," so that NASCAR racing is actually redundant. Whatever. The ( Read more... )

recs, reading, jericho

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Comments 18

thepouncer May 8 2007, 00:04:41 UTC
The past few episodes of Jericho have been *so good*. I keep wishing I'd had time to write up my reaction, but I'm thinking I'll do a sort of omnibus of the last three of the season, because they keep feeding into each other and building up the tension. I really want to know how Jericho will survive, and which characters will live! (And they better include Heather. *glares at show*)

Your point about Emily having too much to do is a good one. I wish I liked her better, but the actress isn't adding any depth to the role, and I'm mainly glad she's around to draw her father in to help with the fight. No romance between her and Jake, please please please.

The Vorkosigan books are addictive. I started Warrior's Apprentice at ten o'clock on a *school night* in high school, and stayed up until dawn reading, because I had to know what happened next. I was so sleepy that day, but it was worth it to know the end of Miles first big adventure.


vaznetti May 8 2007, 00:32:08 UTC
The past few episodes really are one big story -- and I can't wait for this week! Although I think we're likely to get a major cliffhanger, as far as the town's survival goes. (If we get no news on Heather, we should have a Heather ficathon this summer!)

I really wish Emily was a better character. I want to like her, but I keep rolling my eyes. At least they seem to be softpedaling the romance with Jake.

The plotting in the Vorkosigan books is so tight -- I find that I need to find out what happens next, so I just read and read!


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vaznetti May 8 2007, 00:32:33 UTC
They're good!


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vaznetti May 8 2007, 01:39:31 UTC
This week, for example, there was really nothing romantic at all between them -- and yet when she insisted on going with them, that's all I could think of. And it's a shame.

And I've been saying it now ever since they did the 'Heather is dead' thing that if they got rid of her to make room for Jake/Emily? I will be beyond pissed. They've been doing so much right lately and if they cheap out like that? Yes. QUITE irked.

I agree -- and I almost think we're being led on. They're all being so tight-lipped about confirming the death, and we never see her body. And the, as you say, the show it doing so much else right, it seems weird that they'd fall down on something as important as this. (And if not, we'll have to imagine Heather and Dean, arguing as they fix the impala together.)


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vaznetti May 8 2007, 17:41:38 UTC
part of me wonders if they're saving Heather for some big last minute, eleventh hour thing. Like, somehow, she turned somebody in the town to help. It just feels too off and while I'm not sure how much of that is just my wishful thinking, I still think that killing Heather that way serves no purpose to the story other than to get her out of the way for Jake/Emily.

I really hope this is right -- of course, the food-shortage plotline is completely illogical, but I just hope they'd have more sense about the romantic plots. Especially in comparison with the way they handled the Mary-Eric-April triangle -- even though April was killed off, it wasn't a shortcut to anything, and her death as incredibly dramatic and meaningful on its own.


celli May 12 2007, 16:38:37 UTC
Thank you *so much* for the rec! I can't tell you how happy it makes me that it worked for you, as the least-likely reader. I'm so glad you gave it a shot! :)

(also, vorkosigansYAY!)


vaznetti May 12 2007, 20:38:15 UTC
OMG Vorkosigans!

But the story was such a delight, and I enjoyed it so much that I just had to rec it. I'm so glad that I decided to read it!


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