Ironically, ever since I did that rant meme, I've come up with real life subjects for ranting--my colleagues, the weather, static electricity, regular electricity, the university, the universe... well, you can see where this is going.
se_parsons wanted to know what's wrong with kids today, and specifically, with my students.
ranting ahead )
Comments 24
I know your rant probably comes off as slightly harsh to those who identify with being a student in the classroom, but it is exactly what most of us who've taught think about our classes. It's not that every student is a mute or an idiot--obviously, we weren't, and I've had fabulous students--but the majority of them do give that impression in spades and, worse, they don't seem to care.
and whereas it's a little gratifying to have your own opinions parroted back to you as the revealed truth, it's not what education is really about. It's also really boring: after all, I already know what I think.
is why I would want to take a class with you.
Second, I think you're in the minority on that one, in some respects, and certainly in some departments on my campus, and that makes me sad.
I think that our failure has been to make it clear that education for enrichment is not the preserve of the wealthy--in today's economic climate, it's the only form of education that makes sense. The higher educational establishment has allowed itself to be hijacked by people who can't tell the difference between education and vocational training, and that, I think, is criminal. But that may be a rant for another day.
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