It rained bucks loads this afternoon and to make it all even worse, the tide was high. ¬¬ You see, good part of my city is way below the sea level and, although we're not directly close to the sea, it is close enough to suffer influence. Or whatever one can say that in English -- my brain has melted
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Comments 7
I'm not fond of doctors but pain is no fun.... agreed that it might be the lack of glasses... you shouldn't be in pain, go see someone about it! *hugz*
Dayum destructive rain wtf! Wanna come live with me? I live in the 7th floor so no water gets inside. I wish there was something I could say like "rain's gonna go away soon!" but it pretty much rains all the time there, right? :/
Oh man those e-Guinness (or dark liquid, lol what? Sounds evil!) look so gooood.... yum. I'm glad you liked it! :D
And I thought you might have fun with crazy icons, icon parties, all that stuff. You deserve it!
Hope you are sleeping with the angels and dreaming of MacPhisto! :****
Can I bring Dida and Monstrinha? Hahahaha! Seriously, I hope we can sell this house soon and move to DRY PLACE. -__-; Yeah, it rains like every two days or so but on summer is less crazy.
I lurved everything! You are full of win! 8D Hahahaha! Dark Liquid = Darth Vader's Guinness Special Edition. ♥ We see what you did there, LJ!!!
I slept so well that I feel ready for Carnaval! Only I don't really dig Carnaval, hahaha. Watcha gonna do this holiday, gemi?
Moving sounds like a good idea! To a place where the rain doens't flood everything... it must be so exausting to clean all the house after the rain... plus you guys must be always afraid, gosh, teh suck. :/
BH is dry, you would like here!
OIC, lj, oic..... trying to get out of paying fees by giving a random name... but it only makes it cooler, DAR LIQUID hahahaha sounds evil mwahuahuauauha it's the Guinness we drink on the Dark Side!
I didn't even know carnaval was about to begin. My mom said it well: "you are really lost on time, aren't you?".
I think we'll go to the movies and some drinks but that's all, no big plan!
We can neeerd a loooot, Online Carnaval!
Gotta love teh Galadriel!!!!!
And man, my mother spent her childhood on a city that would ALWAYS get flooded... it's a bit scary :s I hope the rain slows down a bit there!!!!
She's teh awesome! :3
Oh, poor thing! :\ I feel like an idiot when I rant about this things because there are so many places that gets worse floods than here, you know? We never lost our house or a deared one due to the floods, only small material things and patience (maybe some braincells too, hehe) but in other places people die and lose their houses, it's terrible. Hopefully it will, frô! Or, at least, we won't have another the-sky-is-falling kinda rain with a high tide again, that sucks.
OMG, I'm so sorry, hun, that sounds awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just glad you and your family are okay, but the flooding sounds awful!!!!
*biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hugs*
I'm so sorry also about your headache...*hugs*
Hope you'll feel better soon!!!!
...and awwwwww, Driel is such a sweetie :-)
*hugs you some more* :-)
I can't believe this weather, bb! Your poor house! You can still build that ark ya know! With proper eye-wear that is! Make sure you go get your eyes checked, bb, my prescription went bad and it gave me MASSIVE headaches! That's prolly your prob too!
Love you long time, just like that awesome chica Driel!
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