Harry/Draco Fests in 2017 - Quarterly Repost 4th Quarter

Oct 11, 2017 20:00

Banner by capitu

serpentinelion's Appreciation Fest: March 2017 - Masterlist

dracotops_harry - Fest Announcement: April 2017 - Masterlist

hd_remix vol. 9 - Fest Announcement: May 2017 - Masterlist

serpentinelion's Glompfest: May into June 2017 - Masterlist

hd_wirelessNEW FEST - the H/D Songfic Fest: July 2017 - Masterlist

slythindor100's Harry/Draco LDWS #9: July 7 - August 25, 2017 - Masterlist of all Drabbles

hd-cliche Fest Announcement: August 2017 - Fest Entries

party-4-potter'sNEW FEST Announcement: July 31 - Birthday Party Entries

hd_fan_fair's H/D Career Fair #4: October 2017 - Posting!

hd_familyfest - Announcement: October 1 - 15, 2017 - Masterlist

@drarry-halloween-fest on tumblr FAQ: posting all through October.

hd_fluff's ninth annual Fluffy Halloween Fest: posting all through October 2017

hd_fanart's tenth annual H/D Fanart Fest: November 2017 - Sign-ups are closed, posting starts October 31.

slythindor100's 25 Days of Harry/Draco: December 1 through 25, 2017

dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge: December 2017

hd_owlpost Winter Fest's Announcement: December 2017 - Submissions are due November 12!

hd_erised's Announcement and Participants' List: December 2017 - Submissions are due November 6!


harrydracobang Announcement, Rules and Timeline: September 11-27, 2018 - Sign-ups for writers and artists open January 1, 2018

hdconsentfest Announcement and Timeline: starting March 21, 2018 - Prompting open November 1, 2017

hds-beltane: May 2018 - Sign-ups run from November 24th through December 11, 2017

harrydracompreg, hd_smoochfest and hd_tropes are not running this year. If you have other information, please comment.

For a list of masterlists of HP Fests on month by month order, see capitu's Harry Potter Fests 2017 and hp_masterlists. For all your other HP fest needs, go to potterfests.

Last updated on October 29, 2017. Please let me know in comments whether there is new information on Harry/Draco fests, challenges, Big Bangs and exchanges. The post will be updated regularly, and reposted every three months.

2017 hd fests, draco/harry, #9, drarry in winter, drarry, #4, harry/draco

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