Sometime the cutest things come up at facebook:
Confessions of a Word Snob Quote: "It’s O.K. to love words. In fact, it’s probably healthy. They so often love you back." ♥
Any words that are on your snobbish rant list?
xpost: Comments are welcome on both sites.
Comments 11
I cringe at any 'management speak' - blue sky thinking, idea showers and the like, although I have been known to talk about 'touching base' and 'close of business' and I sort of hate myself afterwards :D :D
My favourite words...I like 'cellar door' as referenced in Donnie Darko and it's history, namely that it is a word or phrase which sounds beautiful irrespective of its meaning.
I also really like the onomatopoeic nature of the word 'scribble'
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I had a beginning ESL student who fell in love with the word meticulous (the sound of it, he can't remember the meaning) - it amuses him no end. I've tried to interest him in gregarious, fastidious, and peripatetic, but they haven't stuck.
When I was a kid, my brother and I used to love to say "dubious, highly dubious" and "indubitably". That probably came from Mr. Peabody, a cartoon dog on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show.
He did not fall for "fastidious"? Such a lovely word. Have to look up "peripatetic" - now that's a mouthful.
I am with you on the gift-for-give thing. Don't like.
*puts peripatetic on favourite words list*
I like Zeitgeist as a word. I like the meaning behind the compound German. (Schadenfreude is another one of my favorites *grins*). I think this is my preference for words-I like words that offer more than just a string of letters that give a definition. Philippic nice like that, too, the fun in this type of word formation requires that its history/etymology is known. But I hesitate on liking "philippic" because if I don't know it, it's not just a word that makes no sense, it actually would take my thinking to places that are likely incongruent to the prose around it...
Say.... "Prophet's Op-Ed Contributor Draco Malfoy delivered a philippic in the Prophet on Auror Potter's utter failure in diplomacy, citing examples of poor manners, dreadful fashion sense and troll ( ... )
That is a wonderful way to put it! ♥
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