I arrived Thursday evening at my parents' home in Swabia, and while I still have one work edit on my laptop that needs to be finished before the 31st, all my other commitments are done!
I plan to spend my time
catching up with hd_holidays that just posted a 70K story,
I'm home for the 24th, then will go for a few hours to my parents' on the 25th. The afternoon of the 26th is for my godson, but I'll be home in between. And that visit is going to be nice, too.
I am so behind with H/D hols, I'll just start with today's entry. ;) And I love this fest to pieces.
There will be a successor Harry/Draco holiday fest happening next year. I know for a fact that there are tentative plans in the brewing. :) But it will never be hd_holidays.
I saw your recs!!!!! :) And I was doing pretty good with reading until ... *ckecks list* ... December 11. :) I love how involved people are in the fest.
Getting H/D fandom united behind one holiday fest will be the big challenge, that's for sure. We shall see what can be done.
*lol* about your LOTR_sesa wishes. I am not sure whether there will be a lot of Thorin and Thranduil. I know for a fact there are two stories about hobbits. *cough* I am not all that fond of Thranduil, so far, have to say, and I downright despised that elk. *cough* A white stag would have been glorious, a badly CGI-ed elk is just ridiculous, in my very humble opinion, of course. ;)
What is sesa, btw? I looked into the comm, since I'm only beginning to look around in the Tolkien Fandom. *waves to you from much less distance than usual* ;o)
Comments 17
I definitely need to find myself a more festive Hoggywarty icon (aka dress robes) before the fest opens tomorrow. :)
After that ... free time! :-D
There will be a successor Harry/Draco holiday fest happening next year. I know for a fact that there are tentative plans in the brewing. :) But it will never be hd_holidays.
Getting H/D fandom united behind one holiday fest will be the big challenge, that's for sure. We shall see what can be done.
*lol* about your LOTR_sesa wishes. I am not sure whether there will be a lot of Thorin and Thranduil. I know for a fact there are two stories about hobbits. *cough* I am not all that fond of Thranduil, so far, have to say, and I downright despised that elk. *cough* A white stag would have been glorious, a badly CGI-ed elk is just ridiculous, in my very humble opinion, of course. ;)
Edited for typing fail. *huggles*
What is sesa, btw? I looked into the comm, since I'm only beginning to look around in the Tolkien Fandom.
*waves to you from much less distance than usual* ;o)
lotr_sesa is a Secret Santa Exchange for the LotR fandom. It's my first time participating, so this is basically all I know. :)
*waves right back* It's so nice to be closer. :D
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