Title: Pink Unicorns Made Them Do It
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Summary: Er ... pink unicorns made them do it?
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: a bit more than 1K
Author's Notes: This is my second attempt at comment pr0n, written for
Make Them Do It Fest. Original post is
here. ♥
Pink Unicorns Made Them Do It )
Was the original comment about "pink unicorns" in response to the first DTH fest? Because now it seems like every story has top!Draco these days :) Or at least, there seems to be a good balance. Do you feel it used to be the case that bottom!Draco was more common? Just curious :)
The original comment - "Draco will only top Harry when pink unicorns fly through the sky" - was made BEFORE the first Draco tops Harry fest. The attitude that in H/D Harry always will top was probably more prevalent back then. I do believe that the DTH fest has something to do with attitudes having changed over the years. However, statistical evidence is very clear: There is in no way a 50:50 balance between top and bottom!Draco fanworks. For many people, bottom!Draco remains the default.
There are so-called top!Draco and bottom!Draco save-lists of fest that you can find in dracotops_harry and bottom_draco, respectively. If you sort out all the PG-13 and lower rated fic, you should get more statistical data on topping and bottoming. I made save-lists for a while but it is very time-consuming because it's not always possible to say who tops and who bottoms just from a casual skim of a fic. And then, well, I am not that invested in proofing something that is pretty obvious to me. :)
The DTH Fest is somewhat an odd ball in the round of H/D fests. DTH is a different crowd than the usual H/D shipper. And while I don't think the preferred sexual position has anything to do with characterisation and personality, there is a bit of a different characterisation of Harry and Draco in the fanworks created for the DTH fest. I love that about it. :)
Is it OK with you if I reference your comments here when I write up the post? I won't do so if you don't want me to.
If you do a post on the statistics of topping and bottoming, prepare for a lively discussion. People still have strong feelings about it.
If I can find real-life stats I may add them, but I don't think I want to get into gender/sexuality politics or issues about what topping/bottoming 'means' or 'signifies' if I can possibly help it. Frankly, I'm not qualified to address those issues. I'll try to keep it to just the statistical facts of who-penetrates-who without getting into the 'why' of it. I'll leave that for the commenters if they want to go crazy :)
So now I'm worried I'm gonna get crucified. I'll be doubly careful to dot my i's and cross my t's for this :)
It's probably very wise to not get into gender/sexuality discussions. :) But don't worry about getting crucified. Stats are great. And people love to talk about topping/bottoming preferences (if only to state that we all see H/D switching, anyway. I don't. Draco tops. Period. :))
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