Nov 23, 2011 01:14

Characters: Kanji Tatsumi and vatheon.
Location: In front of Cutie Boutique!
Time: Now...? Lmao idk, during the curse week.
Style: [ Action. ] for speed!
Status: OPEN.

[ So, you know there's this kid staring like he was going to set the place he was standing in front of on fire, and he's standing awkwardly, as if he's hiding the world's biggest secret ( Read more... )

!curse: twenty three, kuwabara kazuma, kanji tatsumi

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Comments 65

garudyneinstyle November 22 2011, 17:17:31 UTC
[Sup bitty!Kanji. This is normal Yukari, and she barely recognizes you with that jet black hair. She does know that people have been aging up and down all over the place though, so she's guessing you are one of the victims. Since y'know, there definitely aren't usually this many kids in Vatheon...]

Hey, little man. [chuckle] Y-You know this stuff is free, if you want it, right?

[She glances at the store he keeps looking in, wondering what's caught his interest.]


testosteroned November 22 2011, 17:34:01 UTC
[ He jerks back with a violent looking twitch of his limbs, as if he somebody just caught him stealing what he was staring out. Kanji stares at the woman with a heavy blush on his face, feeling completely embarrassed even though he wasn't doing anything in particular. But that look snaps back to fierce and menacing (or as menacing as a kid can get) in a split second. He won't let you see him like that, no sir. ]

G-Get lost, lady! I ain't stupid! Ma told me I need to pay for my things!


garudyneinstyle November 22 2011, 18:19:21 UTC
H-Hey! [Little brat--] Show a little respect, would ya? I'm just trying to help!

[She stares at Kanji with a glare.]

...And I'm telling the truth.

[About being able to take whatever he wants, that is! Though she realizes it's not the best lesson to be teaching a kid...]


testosteroned November 22 2011, 18:30:21 UTC
[ Kanji turns his head away from her and sulks. ]

Whatever. You're not foolin' me. You just want me to get catched by the police because...because you think I'm stupid or something! [ He doesn't turn back to look at her. This kid is manly, alright. ]


empresskirijo November 22 2011, 17:21:26 UTC
Are you alright?

[Mitsuru was walking past when she saw that there was a kid standing in front of one of the shops. He seemed really fixed on the storefront for some reason. So she had to ask, because he might have been one of those people disorientated by the curse.]


testosteroned November 22 2011, 17:38:49 UTC
[ Kanji's taken by surprise. Before he musters up something that sounds tough - because dammit, was he that obvious? - his eyes linger on the woman's outfit. The fur...he's worked with that before.

Ahh, but who cares. He's not girly. He's a man. A real man. The boy shakes his head and crosses his arms, a scowl on his face that made him look much older than he was. ]

I'm fine! Leave me alone, mind your own business! [ Well-rehearsed. Did he get that from a TV show, perhaps? ]


empresskirijo November 22 2011, 18:49:52 UTC
[Whoa, this kid. Not the most polite of kids she's ever encountered but all Mitsuru can do is glare at him, firstly for being so rude and secondly for coming up with such a lame reply.]

Look here, I'm trying to be nice.


testosteroned November 24 2011, 15:30:39 UTC
[ Kanji blushes and looks away in embarrassment. Trying to be nice? Well, that's new. As much as he wanted to believe the pretty lady, kid!Kanji's always been suspicious of people. At least, ever since the other kids noticed he was a bit different than the rest of the boys. Whose to say she was sincere?

The kid shakes his head and stares up at her, rebelliously. ]

That's stupid! And you're a stranger! Are you going to make fun of me too?! Huh!? Go on, I dare you! [ His voice cracks, but he ignores it. Damn puberty. ]


kazumaai November 23 2011, 00:03:49 UTC
[ There happened to be a five year old carrot top kid with a cat in his arms as he's walking about on the streets. He somehow managed to the streets running out of the strange house. At least his cat is his comfort for the time being but he didn't remember his kitty being this big. Anyway, he's kind of wearing clothes a little too big for him, and it was hanging off his shoulders and he didn't look in the least bit cute as he was surrounded by bruises and cuts and whatever else he had while he was walking past the other kid.

He wondered why the other guy was looking at the specific store anyway...Maybe he was buying it for his sister or something. ]


testosteroned November 24 2011, 15:34:58 UTC
[ For the most part, Kanji just stands there, staring at the people coming and going with the pretty clothes he can't take his eyes off of. He gulps and musters a shaky breath, before glancing to his side. He spots the younger boy looking at him, and immediately, his defenses go up. Never mind that the kid had so many scars, and gosh, his clothes were just not right for him -- ]

W-What? The h-hell are you staring at? [ Kid!Kanji's only just begun to use these new words, but he feels powerful when he says them, so he's slowly trying to get used to them. Maybe it'll scare this guy off. ]


kazumaai November 24 2011, 21:42:25 UTC
[ Kuwabara was curious little kid and a concerned little kid. He always had a big heart for people no matter what so when he sees people and feels that they're in some form of distress. He can't help but be concerned. He just blinks staring at him as if he wasn't even scary at all. He's a tough little kid too. ]

Somethin' botherin' ya?

[ he mused still staring. There's a light meowing from the cat. Yeah he needs new clothes but who's gonna get him some? He just ran off from his house yep! ]


Sorry, this is so late :( testosteroned December 3 2011, 17:58:08 UTC
[ Kanji's attention shifts from the boy's face and the kitty meowing around him. Needless to say, the kitty eventually (and discreetly, he hoped) won his full attention. Kanji gulped and rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. ]

Nothin', 's not any of your business. [ A pause. ] Where' get the cat?


YOU KNEW IT WAS COMING... dreamedofescape November 23 2011, 04:36:28 UTC
[Hm... Tough kid. If he didn't know any better, he'd say he knew the punk. Oh well, no matter. He has a little ghost (kinda) on his side. Shouldn't be too hard. Especially since the guy keeps making googly eyes at what's in the store.

Putting the hood up on the sliiightly big coat, he walked by... letting the Haunter go invisible just before dumping a bunch of the merchandise from said store on Kanji's head. Hey, he was staring at it all, anyway. Might as well "help" him get it.]


I ANTICIPATED IT WITH GLEE testosteroned November 24 2011, 15:40:40 UTC

[ Kid!Kanji's practically buried underneath all that stuff, his growth spurt not quite catching up to him yet. He climbs up on top of the merchandise and pops his head out from the pile. He looks angry and embarrassed, though more the latter than the former. ]

What gives?! Who did that!? O-Ow, my head! [ He wasn't about to cry, but some of that stuff was pretty heavy. He winced and touched at his forehead. ]


HEEEEEEEE. :'D dreamedofescape November 24 2011, 21:34:41 UTC
[Poor guy. Riku couldn't help the nearly silent laugh at the reaction, though. If Haunter wasn't such a pain in the ass to him, he'd give it a metaphysical high five. As it is, however, he should probably try to help the kid dig himself out of the merchandise. Maybe.

Okay, okay seriously. That had to hurt. Stop laughing, Riku. You'll give your involvement away-!]

A-Are you alright? [Snrk! Pfft... N-no, mustn't...!]


SORRY THIS TAG IS SO LATE 8(((( testosteroned December 3 2011, 17:59:53 UTC
[ Kanji notices that, and he does not appreciate your laughter even if you're trying to hold it back :| He climbs out of the pile and marches up to him as menacingly as he can. ]

You did that, didn't you!? What, you wanna fight?! HUH!? Come on, I can take you, you stupidhead!

[ Aww, watch kid!Kanji jump to conclusions. Isn't it precious.~ ]


garbagecanned November 23 2011, 05:23:43 UTC

[WATCH OUT KANJI there's a ten-year-old Yosuke on a skateboard (who knows where he got it, really), riding down the sidewalk that Kanji was standing on.

When he realizes that he's barreling (and fast) towards Kanji, he squeaks and attempts to stop.

Well...that's not working, since he's going very fast. So that invigorating yell of freedom is now becoming a screech of terror.


((ooc: NO ICONS HERE EITHER for young!yosuke. but we have good imaginations, yes? :|b))


testosteroned November 24 2011, 15:52:23 UTC
[ Kanji's glued to his spot, eyes wide with fear. He cringes in horror at the coming pain of the impact...oh, what the hell. THE KID JUST MAKES A RUN FOR IT, SCREAMING. Alas, he still gets hit and scrapes his knees against the concrete, the skate-boarding kid on top of him. ]

Graaaah, what's your problem!? Get off me! Get off, stupid!

((OOC: Yes we do!!! Chibi!Yosuke is easy to imagine too; so derpy |D))


garbagecanned November 26 2011, 02:22:05 UTC
It's not my fault you didn't move!

[Yosuke rolls off of Kanji, flopping on his back on the sidewalk. Yup, he hurt now.]

You're really hard, you know that?

((ooc: LOL yes pretty much like he is now but with more energy and a higher-pitched voice.

.....that's a very interesting mental image.))


Derp, I'm sorry this is such a late tag! :( testosteroned December 3 2011, 18:02:11 UTC
[ Kanji stands up quickly and crosses his arms, a smug look on his face appearing seconds later. ]

Heh. That's 'cuz I work out and stuff! I'll be even more harder when I get to twelve! [ Why twelve? Just because, really. Look, bb!Yosuke. Watch Kanji flex his half-non-existent muscles. ]

((OOC: Yuri Lowenthall with a higher pitched voice.....LMAO

asdfghjk; there's fanart of this somewhere in the internet))


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