i found her walking down the road from home

Nov 15, 2011 20:40

Characters: suck3rpunch3d
Location: Sushi place. YEP.
Time: Nov. 15, afternoon. :T
Style: Starting with prose because shit bro I love starting logs with prose BUT I'm fine with action if you're lazy.
Status: Open like Mindfang's legs. ha ha ha


the adventures of redglare and her matesprit, food )

feferi peixes, yoshiya kiryu, neophyte redglare

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witch_of_life November 15 2011, 19:34:23 UTC


Feferi stares from a nearby window on the outside of the restaurant. She is staring because this troll looks older then her, looks older then all of them, and she has yet to MEET an ancestor... She knows about them, as the Empress to be, she got a lot of reading material on that, even if it was sifted through and changed to be... well, let's not get into her views of her own ancestor. But... ancestors... HHHMMMmmmmm.

She steps into the sushi place, coy, er, 'koi', sly, stealthy, well okay not very stealthy. Her trident in hand, not menacingly or anything! And steps over to the table.



"You are not Teresea," how astute, Feferi. But yes, though this woman looks like Terezi, she is not. And it's good of you to tell her that, apparently?


witch_of_life November 20 2011, 08:57:21 UTC
"I don't think you'll be allowed to make a legal system here, but you can certainly try! It'll keep you nice and busy, glub. But I don't think there are rules because, weeeell, people kind of just come to everyone's aid when something bad happens! I mean, I conchcur, it's good to have SOOOOME means of stopping bad things from happening, but what could you even do here?"


suck3rpunch3d November 20 2011, 10:55:50 UTC
"It's very unbecoming for an Empress to be to be so skeptical, you know! Hahaha!" She laughs, popping two pieces of sushi into her mouth.


witch_of_life November 20 2011, 21:18:38 UTC
"PPPFFFFTTTT! I'm just an Empress to be anywhales! Besides, it's not like I can be an Empress anymore!" Sticking out her tongue and giggling afterwards, before taking a nice big drink of her tea.


suck3rpunch3d November 21 2011, 06:43:03 UTC
"You mean conquering Vatheon is out of the option? Hehehehe!" She eats a couple more, licking her fingers. "Do you like the iced tea?"


witch_of_life November 22 2011, 06:11:13 UTC
"...Yes." Frown. Not funny giiiiillfroooond, na ah!

She sighs, sipping her tea a bit more before slitting her eyes in Redglare's direction.

"Yes? What of it?" Pout.


suck3rpunch3d November 23 2011, 10:53:13 UTC
"Oh, come on! With someone of your status, I'm sure this bubble would make a good vacation resort, hahaha!

"Have you had lunch yet, princess?"


witch_of_life November 23 2011, 11:01:14 UTC
"What do you mean by that? Glub."

"Um, no! I actually was on my way to get some ic-OOOHHH!" She sits up quickly and smiles in Redglare's direction.

"Have you have ice cream yet!?"


suck3rpunch3d November 27 2011, 15:53:39 UTC
"Not yet. Please do educate me about this supposedly frozen cream."


witch_of_life November 27 2011, 21:08:18 UTC
She stares for a moment, surprised, and soon smiles wide, leaning back in her chair and slowly drinking her tea.

"Hmm, eeh, I don't know if you actually want knooow about iiitt." SHRUUUUG. Her tone is being oddly forced to sound bored.

"I mean, you PROBUBBLEY won't even liiike it."


suck3rpunch3d November 29 2011, 19:04:25 UTC
Redglare shakes her head. "Au contraire, I am a big fan of human delicacies! In fact, considering you have been longer here than I have, do you have any recommendations?"


witch_of_life November 30 2011, 01:18:32 UTC
"Hmmmm, WHAAALE, I might." Grin.

"Would you care to join a fishy princess then? I don't think your taste buds will be able to handle the ocean of choices that come with this excellent human food choice! Hehehe."


suck3rpunch3d December 2 2011, 08:06:19 UTC
"Gladly! Conversing with a princess and eating Vatheonite food with them sounds almost too good to be true."

She is almost done with her sushi anyway! Bite, bite, bite.


witch_of_life December 3 2011, 00:43:17 UTC
"Oh DO go on!" She giggles, taking a long drink from iced tea before putting the glass down and standing up. Okay, maaaaybe a bit excited now! Despite this being a dangerous ancestor. Well, they're ALL dangerous to some degree.


EITHER WAY! Excited! Feferi doesn't walk away yet, just stretches a little bit before looking out the window of the building and waiting for Redglare to finish. She'd sit down again but... sitting down when she's all shaky like this is pretty tough!


suck3rpunch3d December 4 2011, 04:08:57 UTC
She's so... excited. It's kind of magnetic, and it's a good motivation to finish her sushi faster, despite the explosion of flavor it makes in her mouth. God, this is TOO MUCH good food.

She drinks her re-fill and stands up.


witch_of_life December 4 2011, 06:44:25 UTC
Totally a good idea to eat ALL THAT WASABI, Redglare, gogogogo! But seriously, don't. Feferi tried that once! But it was... not... a good idea.

The Empress to be smiles wide and hops across the shop to the door, turning back with a hurried beckoning gesture.

"Come on! Don't want to be left in my bubbles!" A giggle and she's out the door, but she'll wander about outside waiting, watching her fairy friend fly about her head.


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