Characters: Anyone and everyone who likes swimmiiiing~
Location: The Viking Pool
Time: All day, er'yday~ (/whenever) -- *BACKDATED TO TUESDAY before fish shenanigans*
Style: Whatever you want! [ but I'm betting mostly first ]
Status: OPEN
[ The Viking Pool has been cleaned to perfection! Signs are up with some decorations that Yukari, Fuuka, and Junpei
Read more... )
and yes, that may be a Kingdom Hearts reference, shutup ]
That's why you need to swim around some more, Yukari-san.
[Resisting urge to splash her. That is not a Mature Thing.]
[ Pfffft. After a little while, her teeth stop chattering so much and she dives under once more, making her way closer to him. She catches her breath after surfacing once more, and looks around, admiring this place they found.
A an underwater city. ]
Kind of makes you miss summer, doesn't it?
[Wrinkles his nose a little. Mitsuru-senpai why. :( ]
[ Sob. She didn't even need the summer classes. D8
...But the weather is fairly nice and consistent in Vatheon as well, so she supposes that is a fair point to consider. She seems to find the water quite comfortable now. ]
...I miss her, though.
[He takes a deep breath and dives down for a few moments so he can think, before surfacing and shaking his head a little like a dog.]
I don't mind going to school in the summer that much, though. I had some school to catch up on, anyway.
She does want to dive down eventually, too, she realizes, seeing him do so; but she'll wait until there's a good opportunity to do so. ]
Yeah, I guess I feel the same way, in the end. Hitting the books was a nice change of pace from just fighting Shadows all the time. Junpei complained way too much, though.
[He swims over and grabs the side of the pool.]
[ ...she thinks about it for a moment. It hadn't really occurred to her to ask too much about his schooling aspect of his past, since his mom was obviously so much more important. Yukari had spoken to him a few times at Naganaki Shrine before he moved into the dorms, and--
Well, he was attending elementary by then. ]
...You caught up pretty quickly. Though it helps you were already pretty smart for your age.
[ She always was impressed with him for that. ]
[He smiles a little bit though.]
Thanks. The stuff that we were learning before I got here was starting to get kind of challenging, though.
[ She was his age once. She knows how much a drag school was, even back then, though the memory continuously fades. ]
But you've got me and the others now, if you ever need a tutor.
...I guess that'd mean more if we were back on Port Island, but...still.
[ Maybe they can study together sometime. They wouldn't be studying the same things, but having company never hurt. And it would be great to have a refresher on some things. ]
[He splashes her a little to try to pull her out of thoughts of home. That'd just make her sad, and this is supposed to be a party!]
She shields her face, but is laughing all the same. Whatever she was thinking about before is gone now.]
So that's how you're gonna play, huh?
[And she starts to splash back playfully! Because it's been waaay too long since she's done this.]
Don't think I'll go easy on you!
[Though she suspects he wouldn't want her to anyway.]
He must be sapping it from her somehow ajklksdkf
She is retaliating as best she can, but she takes a deep breath when the opportunity presents, dipping under the water to dodge the worst of it.
She comes up a moment later, sending more waves and splashes his way!
She forgot how fun this could be. Fun and draining.]
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