Characters: Red, the birthday boy, and you people~ All of you people.
Location: Park.....?
Time: All day! \o/
Style: First for ease of comment spam?
Status: OPEN OPEN OPEN. Threadjack, mingle. It's a birthdayyyyy partyyyyy
[It's a partyyy! The park is the easiest place to organize such a thing, and so the park is where he organized things,
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Changing directions. ]
Point! I found you!
Yes, you did. Are you going to go hide now?
[ And he runs off to the bushes, not even bothering with the fact he hasn't started counting yet. ]
I'm ready!
One... two... three - [oh okay then never mind. He teleports down from the tree and starts looking around. Now where could you be, puppy? C: ]
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