☽ There's Always a Slice of Life

Jul 12, 2011 16:54

Characters: Minato and you~ <3
Location: Grocery store, middle district
Time: Daytime~
Style: Whatever pleases you?
Status: Open open open! <3

[It doesn't matter what all has been happening ( Read more... )

vietnam, junpei iori, elizabeth "effy" stonem, rhi'a dragunel, renton thurston, riza hawkeye, jack vessalius, mewtwo, oki, maya amano, sissel, yukari takeba, haruhi fujioka, katakura kojuro, yusuke urameshi, red (pokemon), ao nanami, lea, hubert ozwell, ran, minato arisato, tohru adachi, n (pokemon)

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obsequience July 22 2011, 20:39:07 UTC
To be frank, there's more that can be done.

[It's something he's come to realize over the months. Working alone, even if it is a fairly small place, yields essentially no results.]

Moreover, those who strive to be of help should work collectively as a group, rather than as an individual.


lunateclock July 23 2011, 20:06:54 UTC
Is that so? Then we have something to work towards.

You're right, though. It would be better to work collectively. I wonder if a broadcast to gather an idea of who would like to help out would help.

[Might as well be proactive]


obsequience July 24 2011, 04:29:20 UTC
Perhaps, but there's no way to know until it has been done.

[So it should be done, yes? His tone indicates as much.]


lunateclock July 24 2011, 14:58:08 UTC
[Are you really going to make him take this responsibility, Hubert--]

Yes, just talking about it won't be enough. Making that broadcast would be the first step. Then it would just be a matter of organizing the people who respond.


obsequience July 27 2011, 00:17:43 UTC
[They're brainstorming, they can do it together or something -- ]

Of course, there are other conditions to keep in mind. Namely, that anyone can vanish without even a moment's notice -- the primary cause of the earlier military front's failure after the first step.

[Indeed, Mustang had attempted to create a patrol of sorts before he vanished. Vatheon's timing was an upsetting one.]


lunateclock July 27 2011, 17:42:35 UTC
[...yeah that. They'll do that.]

That's true. It'll be important to make sure that there are multiple people capable of running the organization just in case someone who is leaves. That way, they can train more people to do so also, and it can continue to function no matter who leaves.

It will be a volunteer force, but it probably would be a good idea to make sure those who volunteer are capable of helping with disasters no matter what happens.

[He's just brainstorming now, putting together what he knows and looking to Hubert to add and fill in the gaps, since he has more experience.]


obsequience July 29 2011, 02:57:44 UTC
True, there are certain qualifications one should meet in order to help out to a certain degree. However . . . simply those with the desire should also be good enough. In Vatheon, where tasks can range from battling to supporting, every individual who wishes to be of assistance would have a place.

[He pauses. A volunteer force is called as it is for that very reason, but the potential downfall to this and any other formation is that -- ]

What ultimately matters is the willingness to serve, rather than to be served and act out of one's own accord. The team should function as such, regardless of how big or small it is in numbers.


lunateclock July 30 2011, 04:09:55 UTC
[...yes but they should still know just in case they send someone out to their death by accident simply because they're eager to help--but he doesn't say that, because that's something that can be ironed out after, right? Hubert is the expert here anyway, not him. He nods in response to that, but his response is simple.]

I doubt that will be a problem. I think there will be a lot of people eager to help here, especially to protect other people.


obsequience July 30 2011, 08:19:08 UTC
[He figures. Vatheon has more reasonable people than it does the unreasonable or inconsiderate. That doesn't mean there isn't any of the latter two, naturally.]

Then it will simply be a matter of dividing them into smaller groups based on what roles they are capable of performing.


lunateclock August 1 2011, 00:58:03 UTC
[...ah, of course. And so--]

So then the first step is to make that broadcast. Would you like to do so, Hubert-san? You understand how something like this works better than I do.


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