001 ▼ Songs of Home

Jun 03, 2011 23:47

Characters: Zelda
Location: Plaza
Time: Late Afternoon
Style: Any/or!
Status: Open as can be!

[ In the Plaza, above the bustle of people, one might hear the notes of an ocarina playing a soft, slow song. Just following the sound will bring you to a certain princess, who has perched on a low wall, and is swaying slightly as she plays the blue ( Read more... )

mion sonozaki, hubert ozwell, zelda (ocarina of time)

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letsgoonmyouji June 4 2011, 17:37:28 UTC
[Instead of words, Zelda is greeted with a song as well; a few mysterious notes come from nearby, shortly followed by a more complete song. It sounds like there should be more, but it's player leaves the song at that for now.

It sounds like the music is coming from up above - on-top of a nearby ledge. If she happens to look that way, a rather extravagant man is standing there, flute still poised at his lips.]


royalsheikah June 4 2011, 17:55:45 UTC
[ She does, a smile appearing for a brief moment as she listens. Once the music pauses she plays again, this song much less soft and more energetic, a playful greeting of sorts. ]


letsgoonmyouji June 4 2011, 18:09:13 UTC
[A brief chuckle and a smile - and after listening for awhile, Waka will mimic her song, playing along on his flute.]


royalsheikah June 4 2011, 18:13:22 UTC
[ She plays along for a while until she needs to rest her fingers, setting down the ocarina to laugh and clap lightly instead. ]

You play very well.


letsgoonmyouji June 4 2011, 18:34:32 UTC
Hark! I gotta' say, baby, the feelings mutual.

[In a twirling mass of sparkles, Waka jumps down from his perch, landing slowing almost like he was floating. When he lands on his geta, he doesn't walk, but glides closer to her for conversations sake.]

You've got a rockin' sense of music, mademoiselle.


royalsheikah June 4 2011, 18:50:43 UTC
[ Well that is certainly interesting. Is he some sort of spirit? She stands to greet him, bowing from the waist; she has not gotten back into the habit of curtsying again yet. ]

I am flattered to hear that. My name is Zelda.


letsgoonmyouji June 4 2011, 18:59:34 UTC
Waka, the God's gift to man at your service, baby. [A little sweeping bow in return. Nothing too extravagant. More just for polite show.

...he'd never bow for anyone other than his Queen.]

Something tells me you're not new to the pond either, lady. [He'll tap his cheek with his flute.]


royalsheikah June 4 2011, 19:03:14 UTC
God's gift to man?

[ She looks amused. ]

No, I've been here before, though I've only recently returned.


letsgoonmyouji June 4 2011, 19:15:31 UTC
Guess we're in the same boat, baby. I'm the same.


royalsheikah June 4 2011, 19:20:56 UTC
Really? Then it happens more often than I expected.

It is a pleasure, Waka.


letsgoonmyouji June 4 2011, 19:28:34 UTC
Maybe we're just a special case, baby.

Pleasure's all mine, lady. Heheh. [Tappa tappa.]


royalsheikah June 4 2011, 19:35:31 UTC
It may be that.

Where are you from?


letsgoonmyouji June 4 2011, 21:08:49 UTC
Vatheon dragged me here from the land of Nippon, baby.


royalsheikah June 4 2011, 21:11:01 UTC
Why do you call me baby? Am I younger than you?

[ She keeps her tone pleasant. ]

I am from a land called Hyrule, myself.


letsgoonmyouji June 6 2011, 02:06:00 UTC
Hmhmhm... [He'll tap his cheek with his flute. She certainly is far younger than he is - not that he'll mention it.]

Sorry lady - it's a compliment for a pretty girl where I'm from.

Sounds fancy. [♪]


royalsheikah June 6 2011, 03:07:25 UTC
No need to apologize. I will take it as a compliment.

[ She shrugs slightly. ]

It was, once, and will be again.


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