☆ 1st Key Hole

May 25, 2011 02:06

Characters: chosen_derp, and you!
Location: Plaza.
Time: Evening.
Style: First
Status: Open~!

[ Welp, it's not everyday that you wake up soaking wet. Actually, taking that back-- rephrasing. It's not everyday you wake up soaking wet in another world. That world, which is completely unfamiliar to this little Keyblade Weider. ]

-- Huh? [ A blurry gaze peeked ( Read more... )

ao nanami, sora, riku replica, persona 3 femc (haruka arisato), axel, luka redgrave, riku

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Comments 116

1/3 CUESPAZZ! xlillackeykitty May 25 2011, 08:47:15 UTC
[ So this guy. There's this guy who was just crossing the plaza that evening on his way back from a long day of work when suddenly, he hears that familiar voice. ]


2/3 MORESPAZZ! xlillackeykitty May 25 2011, 08:49:26 UTC
Kairi...? Riku...? Who else would...

[ He turns and sees Sora, taking a step back in realization. Ho crap. Hoboy. Ho MAN! His lil bro! The city brought his lil bro back!

Grabbing a towel from a nearby local, he tries to regain his composure and approaches the boy. ]


3/3 ENDSPAZZ xlillackeykitty May 25 2011, 08:50:42 UTC
[ And the towel is offered by means of an extended hand. ]

Hey Sora. Welcome back.

[ Dude may be getting just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit sniffly here. Don't mind him. He's just happy to see the kid alive and well. Even though he won't be remembered. ]


YAY SPAZZ chosen_derp May 25 2011, 18:14:42 UTC
[ Sora quickly notices the advance, and his first response was to be a little on guard. I mean, a new place-- random people? All of this was a little weird.

But hey, a towel. Guess he wouldn't be all that bad, right? So Sora will offer a tiny smile before taking the towel that was extended to him. ]

Welcome... back?


i-is prose okay too? >.>; got_it_memorizd May 25 2011, 12:24:31 UTC
Well, there was someone he hadn't expected to see. Or hear. Hear very loudly. Wow, okay, it seemed that while some people came back with their memories of Vatheon intact, Sora was not one of them. ... Oh, that could make this awkward--if the kid had been brought here from too early on in the great Time Paradox of Life this bubble seemed to like to toy with, Axel might end up eating Keyblade for his friendly hello. Actually, either way it was going to be awkward, because if Sora had been brought here from a point at which his initial reaction wasn't going to be negative, then chances were he was just going to think Axel was a zombie ( ... )


Of course! <3 chosen_derp May 25 2011, 18:30:38 UTC
Well, you got one thing right, he did think you were a zombie.

The moment he heard the voice some a distant, Sora's blue orbs widened upon the sound flickering off his eardrums. No, it wouldn't be... could it? That voice, the sound he heard was from someone who has passed. Wow, how long ago was it? Being back on the islands, the events of The World that Never Was almost seemed like ancient history, and yet it was only a few weeks ago.

"Axel?" His voice rolled so easily off his tongue, and head finally turned in the direction of the taller male. It took a moment, a second's pause for Sora to finally take in the realization of who stood in front of him-- well, almost in front of him. Why was he so far away?

"Axel-!?" Yup, calling out your name one more time; just for safe measures. He was dreaming, right? This couldn't be Axel...



\o/ got_it_memorizd May 26 2011, 02:40:32 UTC
... Yeah, okay, that looked like a zombie reaction, which in the long run was the one he'd been hoping for. He was less likely to get bludgeoned this way. There was a beat of silence in which Axel rubbed the crown of his head, sending his spiky hair kind of askew, and then he decided it was probably safe to go ahead and approach Sora.

"In the flesh, kiddo," he said, and then tapped his temple. "Glad to see you have it sufficiently memorized, if nothing else." His grin turned sly and he stifled a snicker. "What's the matter? I mean, you look like you've seen a ghost or something."


chosen_derp May 26 2011, 06:09:44 UTC
To be honest, Sora was very well agreeing with the fact that he was seeing a ghost. He saw the events leading up to the male's death, and even was at his side the moment it happened. So it would almost seem fit that the boy was at a little lost of words.

His ocean eyes only stared, trying to fully grasp the situation that was currently slapping in the face. He looked like Axel, and certainly acted like him, too. So then maybe... maybe this wasn't a dream, after all.

"Eheh, I never thought I'd see you again!" It was genuine, and Sora had to hold back a lot of willpower to run up to the former Organization member. It was nice to see a friendly face again-- to see his face again.


meddlefussyfang May 25 2011, 14:02:53 UTC
I don't know if the people you're calling for will answer, as they may not be here.

[Helpful Kanaya was walking by when you suddenly appeared, Sora. She's already offering a towel and a small smile. Don't mind the fangs, please.]

And you are in vatheon.


chosen_derp May 25 2011, 18:56:59 UTC
[ Oh don't worry, if you're larger than eight feet and have fangs, then he might be a little concerned.

At her sentence though, he'll offer a tiny frown. At first nodding his thanks while taking the towel and passing it lightly over his head. ]

They're... not here? But I was just with them!

[ Cue the questionable glance. ] Vatheon?


meddlefussyfang May 26 2011, 04:57:59 UTC
[Kanaya hasn't played KH, so she doesn't know how easily he makes friends with very strange people. She only knows that she's been having startled reactions from most human newcomers.

She gestures helpfully upward with a grimace of a smile.]

Vatheon seems to be a small underwater city, centered around an evidently sentient coral... and some force draws people from their own worlds to this place, for reasons that haven't been clearly explained to me.

It's possible that your friends are here; I know that all of my friends came here at least several weeks before I did.


chosen_derp May 26 2011, 05:57:39 UTC
[ As she gestures upward, Sora follows her finger to look up. Hmph. ]

So you're saying we're under water? [ Okay okay, now he really had a feeling he was dreaming. How could he end up in an under water world without even realizing it? ] Is there a way to get out?

[ Cause y'know, if my friends aren't here I need to go, okayokay. ] ...Hm, alright. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a look around and see.


sweeperesque May 25 2011, 14:57:46 UTC
[. . . No. Way.]



chosen_derp May 25 2011, 19:08:18 UTC
[ Perking up at his name. ]

Hm? [ Ohai random girl he's never met before. Here, have a slightly confused Sora smile! ]

Uh-- hello! How do you know my name?


sweeperesque May 27 2011, 04:25:10 UTC
[... just a disappointed look for you, Sora.]

Man, I knew it was too good to be true


twotimingmutt May 25 2011, 16:21:38 UTC
[Wait a sec. This scent... While Inuyasha hasn't smelled it in a while, it's definitely familiar to him.

Running through the plaza, Inuyasha comes to a halt when he sees the drenched spiky-haired kid looking around the plaza.]

Oi, Sora!

[With any luck, maybe the boy would remember him.]


chosen_derp May 25 2011, 19:10:22 UTC
[ Sorry, doggy boy, but this boy has no idea who you are.

Cue the little puzzled look. ]

Uh yeah, that's my name! [ But how did he know-? ]


twotimingmutt May 28 2011, 00:06:02 UTC
[As Inuyasha approaches, he gives Sora a hard, long look.]

Lemme guess. You got no idea who I am.


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