
May 22, 2011 21:04

Characters: Death and vatheon 
Location: Plaza
Time: Mid-morning
Style: Any
Status:Open like a grave

Good morning, Vatheon. There's someone waving to you.

She's definitely a newcomer, if the soaked appearance and towel around her shoulders is any indication. However, she waves like she knows you. Maybe it's within reason? After all.. Just about anyone gets a ( Read more... )

devil survivor mc (katsu aoki), yuu kanda, death (the sandman), yoshiya kiryu, minato arisato, maka albarn

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1/let's go for four today ~ manic_episodes May 23 2011, 03:47:51 UTC
[ Delirium was bored. Don't get her wrong - there were shops and trinkets and food things and that forest to get her lost in herself like she used to. She couldn't return to her own place - and let's face it, she had a difficult time just finding her realm up on the surface - and worst of all, they weren't there with her ( ... )


manic_episodes May 23 2011, 03:50:10 UTC
[ A figure draped in black, familiar in scent and warmth and kindness and she was finally here. Delirium knew they'd come. They were always around, especially her. She reached out the flower in her hand and stared up at the lightness of her skin and the darkness of her hair. ]

Um, hello. I was a bit scared, I thought you would never show up or I'd never see you. But I did so hello!


manic_episodes May 23 2011, 03:53:34 UTC
[ She pulled at her pant leg and she stood up. The flower was left discarded on the ground. She looked a bit angry now, her brows meeting together on her forehead - ]

You can make us go "POOF!", like that. So that we won't be losted or trapped anymore. Please, do it, make us go away from here.


DONE manic_episodes May 23 2011, 03:55:14 UTC
[ Her mood shifts once more. Aside from the sadness and anger, Delirium shakes and approaches her big sister desperately. She starts to smile, however. ]

...I think that, that the people here have bikes. And I wanted to ride one but I kept falling and hee. That's not good at all.


Ffffff, Del. 1/2 oldestfriend May 23 2011, 16:15:55 UTC
[For one second, she wonders if this place has something to do with the youngest of the Endless. She packs a bigger bang than people would think, and she's more than unpredictable. (Unless, of course, your name ends in '-estiny' and starts with a 'D'.) But she quickly rules it out.

If it was Delirium's than it would be a bit... messier.

She waits until her little sister is done talking before crouching down to smile at her.]

No, falling from a bike usually isn't a good thing, little sister.


2/2 oldestfriend May 23 2011, 16:20:58 UTC
[She turns a bit more serious, however.]

One day, I'll make you go 'poof'. But not today, alright? For once, I think I'm lost as well.

[And just that is enough to be worrying for once, even if she doesn't show it. When you're the anthropomorphic personification of Death, there are few places you don't know. Even once, during that time in Italy, when they thought they could simply repeat the day...]

Do you remember if people have told you about this place, Del? What it is?


1/2 manic_episodes May 23 2011, 17:27:54 UTC
[ That troubles Delirium. Death was strong, Death was Death and that was that. There was nothing she couldn't do, she was always around and when that sort of strength is powerless - it makes her feel sad. Desperate.

She's never been in one place for so long. Even in her realm, she rarely stays put. ]

Then I wish we could ride bikes far far away from here where you won't be lost and we'll be able to go where we want to again.


Done. I can smell tag chains all around ~ manic_episodes May 23 2011, 17:30:13 UTC
[ Eventually, Delirium stands up and hugs her sister. Her mood has shifted again - one that expressed the clear confusion in her eyes. Or maybe that was just how she normally looked. ]

Ah. Um. Okay. Well. We're...swimming. But not really. We're swimming in a place but we only get wet once and then never again.


/c-c-combo break. :c ...For now. oldestfriend May 24 2011, 04:08:11 UTC
[Her arms wrap around Delirium gently, welcomingly. Poor Del. she goes through enough confusion just on her own. This is the sort of thing she definitely doesn't need.]

We'll get out of here, don't worry. Remember what happened to Dream? No one can keep us for long.

[The information isn't a lot, but it's something, anyway, and she's sure she'll be able to get some information from someone.]

How about you stay with me, Del, until we go where we want to again?


1/2 sob the comment box hates HTML ;; manic_episodes May 24 2011, 04:25:30 UTC
[ She looks up at her face - her familiar familiar face - and she starts to grin. ]

He smelled funny back then.

[ Delirium unwinds herself from Death and starts twirling around. ]


manic_episodes May 24 2011, 04:26:24 UTC
Okay. Okay, we'll do that. We'll stay together just like how I stayed together with my doggie. Have you seen my doggie?


oldestfriend May 24 2011, 15:42:27 UTC
I guess he kind of did smell funny.

[Chuckling lightly, she puts her hand on Delirium's back, making sure to keep her close as she starts to walk.]

Barnabas will find you sooner or later. Don't worry.


manic_episodes May 24 2011, 16:40:39 UTC
[ She walks close and looks around. ]

What if. What if I try shouting really loudly and he might hear me across - across um. The bubble. Of sound. Barrier?


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