Characters: Alice (
busagi ) & Green (
sweetbean_bread )
Location: Lower District
Time: Nighttime
Style: Whatever you want it to be, I'll start in 3rd person but roll with whatever!
Status: Closed.
The great Professor Oak once told his Grandson: "Green, it's admirable how much time you spend studying! But you shouldn't forget that you need to get out once in a while as well." and then he would usually send Green off to play with the other kids.
Unfortunately for Green, his Grandfather wasn't here to remind him that being too taken with research wasn't good. Fortunately for the Professor, Green had long reached an age where he knew how much sitting and reading and generally not moving much his body could take before it would complain.
That's why Green Oak, quite possibly the Gym Leader challengers disliked battling against most, had pulled on his jacket, boots and coat and made his way to the front door of the house Red, Leaf and Green shared, Eevee trailing behind him. Wordlessly, but with a small grin, he held the door open for her before leaving the house as well and started to make his way down the street.
Blissful, comfortable bustle of a busy street. What could possibly go wrong?