
Jan 23, 2011 20:18

Characters: wavesoakedlegs & behisstrength
Location: Plaza → Lake
Time: Afternoon
Style: Third
Status: Closed

I found a home in your eyes )

akechi mitsuhide, chosokabe motochika (samurai warriors)

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wavesoakedlegs January 23 2011, 20:33:09 UTC
Mitsuhide had finished picking up a few items before waiting beside the coral, so he had not been idle long. Several of his friends had left Vatheon and the trip out had been intended as a distraction. It had worked a little, so when Motochika approached he was able to offer a small smile as he bowed his head.

It was best to be happy for those who had gone home, even though he had wondered frequently about what Rian had returned to. She had died in her own world for the sake of the one she loved, Zen.

"My Lord," he said. "You told me everything was alright, so I must confess to being curious about why you wish to speak to me."

He regarded Motochika with curious eyes. If it had been something minor, surely his friend would have have simply said his piece over the SFC.


behisstrength January 25 2011, 23:00:03 UTC
Motochika's hand stilled, following Mitsuhide's suggestion. Surely not.

Yet, if his friend was truly being serious, Mitsuhide's hair was his to do with what he wished -- Motochika had no place to protest. Especially not out of possessiveness.

A few seconds later he remarked, "Generous."

His thoughts were likely made clear by the undercurrent in his tone. Motochika had never been a subtle man.


wavesoakedlegs January 25 2011, 23:29:22 UTC
"You don't sound very pleased by the idea," said Mitsuhide, in a tone of slight distress... but that quickly faded, and he laughed into Motochika's shoulder.

"I was not serious."

He drew back after a moment, so he could look at his friend properly. Mitsuhide was perfectly aware of the possessive side to Motochika's nature and had seen an opportunity to tease a little. Had he not been so soft-hearted, it would have been easy to keep the serious act up for longer.

"The right to touch my hair is yours alone," Mitsuhide chuckled. "If you wish it to be so."


behisstrength January 26 2011, 00:45:59 UTC
It was as he'd suspected, yet with Mitsuhide's laughter still came relief -- similar to what he'd felt when Gracia had informed him that he did not have to share Mitsuhide's affections with a mysterious lover, though far lessened.

Motochika smiled at the offer, though he declined.

"I would not ask that of you."

He was not petty, and Mitsuhide was a modest man. It wasn't likely to come up often, magnificent as Mitsuhide's hair was -- certainly not with the same familiarity or presumption that Motochika himself displayed.

"Nor should you stand for any demand of the kind," Motochika added firmly. "Even from me."

Mitsuhide was no pushover. Neither did Motochika believe that Mitsuhide would ever do so. But with their relationship altered and their lives bound more tightly together than ever, it was worth making a point.


wavesoakedlegs January 26 2011, 08:31:25 UTC
A pause. Mitsuhide's smile turned softer, more serious.

"I know," he replied, dipping his head briefly. "You do not need to worry about that."

He appreciates it being said, though. Mitsuhide raised a hand and traced the tattoo on Motochika's face with a finger, silent for a moment, before kissing him briefly and then moving away.

Standing up straight, Mitsuhide turned to face the lake once more.

"We should come here more often," he said, looking more peaceful and content than he had done in a long time.


behisstrength January 26 2011, 16:49:01 UTC
Mitsuhide's tracing left a trail of tingling skin; a light shiver and a wave of fresh want ran through Motochika. A short kiss and he was bereft of Mitsuhide's touch, though, and so he unwound the lock of hair from his fingers as Mitsuhide pulled away, allowing it to drag free.

Motochika did not move right then. Instead he raised his chin and observed Mitsuhide, not missing the change in demanour. This was only the beginning -- a greatly promising thought. Mitsuhide's happiness was important to him.

"Indeed," he answered simply, as he finally rose to his feet. "There is nothing to prevent us."


wavesoakedlegs January 26 2011, 17:36:36 UTC
Mitsuhide was silent and still for a moment, looking at the expanse of water, the forest around it, the barrier above and beyond it. A beautiful picture indeed. After a short period of contemplation an idea occured to him, and he laughed.

It was not the sort of thing he'd usually do. Not at all. Mitsuhide glanced over at Motochika, eyes bright, and then looked back at the lake.

He walked in, still fully clothed.

The water was cool, but not cold, and pleasant around his feet. Humming in appreciation, he walked in far enough for the water to reach his knees before stopping.

"Now I have wet legs," he said, turning around, "and you didn't even have to encourage me to walk in, this time."


behisstrength January 26 2011, 21:58:12 UTC
Motochika watched, first curious, then amused, and laughed himself.


He remembered coaxing Mitsuhide into the ocean vividly, as he and his navy first arrived to help the Oda at Mitsuhide's personal request -- evidently Mitsuhide had not forgotten either. It was perhaps fitting for it to come full circle like this. No one could have predicted the course set into motion, nor where they would end up.

He smirked a moment later as he swept out his arms in an expansive gesture. "Since we have reversed roles, it is your turn to encourage."

Mitsuhide's liveliness was catching.


wavesoakedlegs January 27 2011, 22:12:40 UTC
"So I see."

Mitsuhide tilted his head a little and watched Motochika with thoughtful eyes. He hand rose so he could twist a lock of hair between his fingers as he thought through his options. It did not take more than a few moments.

One of those options was simply too irresistable to ignore.

Taking one step back towards Motochika, Mitsuhide offered him a beautiful smile... and in one swift movement leant down and splashed a large amount of water towards the Lord of Shikoku. This did mean his own arms were now also soaked, but it was worth it.

"Was that suitable encouragement?" he asked.


behisstrength January 28 2011, 11:25:41 UTC
Motochika didn't flinch away from the water sent his way; after impact, he inclined his chin, his smirk intact. How could he resist a challenge like that?

He unwound his fur stole from his neck and cast it aside, then strode into the water, hooked an arm around Mitsuhide, and used his heavier weight to submerge them both, before letting go and resurfacing.


wavesoakedlegs January 28 2011, 11:47:56 UTC
When Mitsuhide emerged from the water a few seconds later his face was totally covered by hair; it almost looked like it had been wrapped in soaked black silk.

"I will take that as a 'yes,' then," he replied, laughing softly.

Moving his hands up, Mitsuhide pulled the hair away from his face. He did not stand up fully, instead remaining partially submerged in the lake water.

"Perhaps that was a foolish method of encouragement... but right now, I don't think I mind if it was so."


behisstrength January 28 2011, 12:15:49 UTC
"It was bold. Decisive," Motochika said as he reached out a hand, and lifted Mitsuhide's chin, an imitation of pride. "You shouldn't mind."

Motochika then swept the pad of his thumb across Mitsuhide's lower lip, his gaze intense. A moment later he let his hand drop, and waded a little further into the lake.


wavesoakedlegs January 28 2011, 12:39:35 UTC
Mitsuhide became still for a moment, the intensity of that look causing him to think on and marvel at what had happened again. At what was to come, too; the future was uncertain, always, but the sense of excitement would not leave him.

Eventually he turned a little in the water to watch Motochika move.

"You'll have to swim if you go too far," he said, smile filled with amusement. "Is that your intention, or are you planning something else?"


behisstrength January 28 2011, 13:08:36 UTC
Motochika glanced back over his shoulder. "That's my intention. Come over, and we can make a race of it."


wavesoakedlegs January 28 2011, 13:17:29 UTC
"A race we both know you'd win, my Lord."

Mitsuhide stood up and walked into the water until he was level with Motochika, nevertheless.

"I am as competant at it as I need to be, and no more; I've never been a very strong swimmer."

Which was true. The samurai looked over the surface of the water and towards the deeper parts of the lake. There was absolutely no chance he could defeat Motochika in a fair swimming race, as far as he was concerned.


behisstrength January 28 2011, 13:32:19 UTC
Mitsuhide was not wrong there; Motochika smiled at Mitsuhide's choice to join him despite knowing as much. It was admirable spirit.

"A childhood in Tosa and a childhood in Mino have their differences."

He was not without consideration -- and enjoyed challenges himself -- so he looked to Mitsuhide and offered a compromise.

"You may choose the distance and have a headstart, if you wish."


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