Day ☂ 6 || There is a fine line between nobodies & the real deal

Jan 12, 2011 20:10

Characters: dealwithaweek & vatheon 
Location: The Plaza
Time: Around 12:45 AM
Style: Any, but action is preferred
Status: Open

Demyx was actually right.  The mysterious ship which had rained down on the the fishbowl community the other day was crawling with pirates of the undead.  Maybe not skeletons like the ones from the Caribbean, but close enough.  Their bloody ( Read more... )

raven, riku, roxas, fayt leingod, vanitas, kagome higurashi, olette, integra fairbrook wingates hellsing

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Comments 27

faytofthegalaxy January 13 2011, 04:35:43 UTC
"Blades of Fury!" He lunged at the ghost, slashing at the ghost vertically with his light encased sword. Without missing a beat, the slashing continued into a seamless combination of slashes and jabs until the ghost was eliminated.

Sword lowered as he turned to look at Roxas. "Come on. We can't stay here."


dealwithaweek January 13 2011, 04:48:09 UTC
Roxas jolted in surprise and turned around to see yet another defeated pirate and that guy he meet on the roof the other day. If the person hadn't intervened for him, Roxas probably would have...

"Thanks..." he murmured and nudged the other boy lying on the ground in a further attempt to trigger his consciousness.

"But what about him?"


faytofthegalaxy January 13 2011, 04:53:26 UTC
Fayt looked at the boy and looked away. "It's...too late for him." He really wanted to get away from the dead body and the pirates.

"Ice blade." His blade was now encased with ice magic for the next attack. "Come on."


homewooork January 13 2011, 04:35:59 UTC
Leave him alone!!

[ and that ghost will be getting a rather hard smack in the head with a BASEBALL BAT. Because Olette doesn't quite have weapons and had to make due with something borrowed from one of the stores.

Is she looking terrified? Yes. But damned if she isn't going to help out. ]


we lied. The fishbowl isn't a 100% safe. 8|;; dealwithaweek January 13 2011, 04:58:58 UTC
[Startled by the shout and a noise which awfully sounded like a bat to the skull, Roxas yelped in surprise, realizing another pirate had tried to pull a sneak attack and now was currently toppling over him. He recoiled and swiftly struck the body to the other side with his keyblade.]

Olette?! [he eyed the bat, or more specifically, the girl's attitude in astonished awe.]

Thanks. I owe you one, but you should get to someplace safe.


Boy do I love whacking pirates homewooork January 13 2011, 05:05:59 UTC
[ Olette's breathing hard and giving Roxas a look like that sounds like a GREAT idea-- but then she tightens her grip and shakes her head. She hadn't been able to help Kairi, she hadn't been able to get to the mansion without Sora's help... and she's sick and tired of having to keep running. ]

I'm not just leaving you to deal with them yourself, Roxas. That's not what friends do.


Vath also had mermaid zombies before. Wish I was there for that =3= dealwithaweek January 13 2011, 09:00:48 UTC
[Roxas had to double take and ponder what Olette had just said. The two of them were... friends? The more he thought about it, the more he believed it to be true. Truthfully, he kind of wanted it to be. There was nothing like bonding over a bar of sea-salt ice cream.]

Friends also don't want friends to get hurt.

[he knows how this friendship thing works. Spent about a year trying to figure out how it all works. 8|a]


fight4candy January 13 2011, 04:40:52 UTC
*Ranmaru has been patrolling the area from the rooftops, shooting an arrow or two when the pirates were too close for comfort, but he was safer up here than down on the streets!

Then he spotted that spacey boy from before.

He was trying to wake someone (a friend maybe?) with a drink of some sort, but no avail.*

Whoa! *And there is that ghost approaching. Without thinking much, he jumps down from the rooftop he was observing from and shoots three arrows. They all hit their mark with heavy thud.*


dealwithaweek January 13 2011, 05:12:46 UTC
[Roxas felt something heavy fall over on his open back and it was enough for him to panic, pushing the creeper off himself but sooner realizing he already had arrows delved deep into his ghostly figure.

He also noticed Ranmaru with his bow and arrow, the situation clicking into place.]

Hey... you're that guy.


fight4candy January 13 2011, 06:14:38 UTC
And you're that weirdo.

*mumbling that sounded like 'I just saved your butt geez' he walks over to Roxas and the other boy. His expression sharpens a little when he leans over to examine the body.* ... Hey, you know he's dead right?


dealwithaweek January 13 2011, 09:03:55 UTC
Wha- sheesh, you barely even know me.

[Now on the contrary, he thinks Ranmaru is the true weirdo how does a person even fit into an SFC you doof, but this really wasn't the time to be arguing.]

He's... what?


bastaaaaaards January 13 2011, 04:52:10 UTC
Oh, lord. Integra wasn't sure what to think as she easily decapitated an oncoming pirate, and spotted the young man who... looked somewhat like Sora. That didn't matter right now, though -- she had to get home, and this boy was in danger just sitting there with a corpse.

Gunning down any of the other ghoulish beings trying to get near her, and him for that matter, the heiress glanced down at him. "Leave him, child -- the boy is dead. You need to get out of here," she announced bluntly.


dealwithaweek January 13 2011, 05:19:01 UTC
He saw the body drop to the ground, the lone head rolling over next to the boy's corpse. Roxas felt like clutching his neck out of sheer precaution.

"What do you mean, he's dead? He can't be left alone like this." It was an honest question, one he didn't even realize held different meanings in itself. He was only one year old after all. A subject pertaining of death was completely foreign to him, especially when it involved real people.


bastaaaaaards January 13 2011, 05:23:01 UTC
Integra stared at the young man for a few moments, before her intense gaze softened somewhat. He didn't understand... kneeling down next to Roxas, she reached out with a gloved hand and closed the young deceased boy's eyes.

"He isn't going to wake up. He will not rise again... he is amongst the deceased. Do not worry about him any longer," she responded quietly, allowing her fingers to linger for a few moments longer before she pulled them back. Integra understood death far too well -- she had lived with a vampire her entire life, up until recently, and she'd had plenty of blood staining her hands since she was twelve years old.

Yes, she understood it far too well. "Get up, you have to get moving. Find one of the safe areas and get there immediately, do you understand me, child?"


shard_finder January 13 2011, 04:56:16 UTC
Kagome was running around, when she noticed someone lean over a small boy. Running up, she looked at the boy and sadness filled her as she realized that the boy was dead. She has seen enough dead, to know.

"Roxas." She called out as more of them seem to come at them. She reached to put a hand on his shoulder before using her bow and arrow to bring down some more.



dealwithaweek January 13 2011, 05:28:54 UTC
Roxas admittedly twitched at the touch-- the chaotic situation had perked up his paranoia to it's peak, but seeing Kagome, he knew the hand was a friendly one and not intended for hostility.

"... Kagome? Can you help?" He gestured towards the boy. "He's not waking up."


shard_finder January 13 2011, 05:35:42 UTC
Kagome felt him flinch, but she needed him to come back to Earth and realize that they were in a dangerous situation here. She was happy when he seemed to recognize her.

She looked at the boy and she shook her head sadly. "No, Roxas. I'm afraid that he's..." She trails off as she watched more pirates come at them. "Roxas, we have more coming."


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